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前言 摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 2 Keywords 2 1.绿色贸易壁垒概述 3 1.1绿色贸易壁垒的概念 3 1.2绿色贸易壁垒产生的背景 3 1.3 绿色贸易壁垒的表现形式 4 1.3.1绿色关税 4 1.3.2绿色补贴 4 1.3.3绿色技术标志制度 5 1.3.4绿色环境标志制度 5 1.3.5绿色卫生检验检疫制度 5 1.3.6绿色包装制度 6 1.4绿色贸易壁垒的特点 6 1.4.1形式上的合理性 6 1.4.2实质上的歧视性 6 1.4.3标准上的变动性 6 1.4.4实质上的连锁性 6 2 西部地区对外贸易现状 7 2.1中国西部的现状 7 2.2西部地区对外贸易在全国的地位 8 2.3西部地区遭遇绿色壁垒的实例 8 2.3.1云南松茸“农残门”事件 8 2.3.2宁夏“红宝”遭遇绿色壁垒 9 3对西部地区出口贸易的不利影响分析 9 3.1削弱西部出口产品的竞争力 9 3.2限制了西部地区产品出口市场范围 10 3.3造成市场连锁反应 10 4西部地区应对贸易壁垒的措施 10 4.1政府应对措施 10 4.1.1提高人们的环保意识,增强绿色经济观念 11 4.1.2建立绿色贸易壁垒预警机制 12 4.1.3鼓励绿色科技创新 12 4.1.4建立与国际接轨的环境法规和标准体系 12 4.2企业应对措施 13 4.2.1树立企业环境价值观 13 4.2.2推进企业清洁生产 13 4.2.3实施绿色营销策略 13 4.2.4积极主动获取绿色标志认证 14 5 结论 14 参考文献 14 致 谢 17 关键词 Green barriers to the study of the influence of the western region In our country export trade Abstract:In recent years,With the development of economic globalization and international trade,Green trade barrier has become the main trend of internationgal trade protectionismand attention by the governments.The main reason is the safely and health of people enviromental proteceion.Consciousness unprecesented strengthening.Big changes have taken place .in international trade protection measures.The traditional barriers to trade is becoming more and more constrained.The tationality of the green trade barrier measures for its purpose trade barrier measures for its purpose,Been adopted by WTO members,The main research background of green trade barriers.Next to its definition and forms a simple overview.The third is the core of this Article,with two examples ofthe current situation of Western area of foreign trade.On the basis of the theory of case and data analysis of the green trade barriers on the negative impact of the western region of export trade.The fourth part is the western region of our country current response to the green trade barriers measures and policies .The last patt is conclusion,it is concluded that the green trade barriers is a double ed-geds w



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