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摘要 随着城市经济的高速发展,城市治安管理面临的压力也越来越大,传统的以人力防范和事后处理为主的公安管理模式已经开始制约城市治安管理水平的进一步提高。城市公安管理部门迫切需要采取更多的技术防犯手段来提高管理的范围和效率,弥补人力管理资源缺乏和效率低下的缺点。 随着城市宽带网覆盖范围的扩大和使用费用的降低,城市公安管理部门提出了逐步整合完善公安部门原有的各种监控系统,构建一个城市统一的一体化综合监控管理平台 本系统是一套用于“平安城市”视频监控的综合调度平台,目标是将“平安城市”中所有的视频矩阵——无论是大型矩阵,还是社区和单位的小型矩阵——全部统合到一个平台上使用和管理,使得用户能够使用一个键盘将城市中任何一台摄像机的图像显示在任何一块监控屏幕上。 本系统率先将先进的物联网技术应用于“平安城市”视频监控领域。通过将城市中所有现存的摄像机进行统一使用和管理,使得每一个角落都能被实时监控到,在预防、发现、控制和打击违法犯罪、提供破案线索、固定违法犯罪证据等方面发挥着人防、物防所不可替代的重要作用,真正实现“平安城市”。 关键词:“平安城市”;物联网;视频监控系统 Abstract With the rapid development of the urban economy, public security administration faces growing pressure. Traditional management mode of public security, which emphasis on prevention and post-processing, has begun restricting to further improve the management level of public security. Public security administration is urgently needed to improve the scope and efficiency of management. They want to take more guard against technical means and makes up for the disadvantages of manpower resources and inefficiency. With the expansion of urban broadband network coverage and lower costs, urban public security administration proposes to build a city unified integrated management platform needs. This paper implements a video monitor platform for the SAFE CITYT program. The platform collects the entire video matrix--regardless of large matrix, also is community and units of small matrix. Through this platform, users can manage all kinds of public security videos by using one keyboard. As far as I know, it is the first time to apply?Internet of Things technologies in the area of public security video monitor system. By unified all the existing cameras in use and management, every corner can be monitored in real time. It makes the platform playing an important role in preventing, detecting, controlling and combating crime, providing a clue, fixing plays defense, such as criminal evidence, which makes important contributions to the SAFE CITY program. Keywords:SAFE CITY program;Internet of


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