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潍坊科技学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 浅析山西老陈醋的品牌推广策略 摘要 据了解,目前30%的中华老字号已经销声匿迹,就算有幸生存下来的中华老字号大多也只是把辉煌留在了中国历史上,勉强维持罢了。在竞争日益激烈的环境中,中华老字号更是举步维艰,尤其是各种国内外新兴品牌的不断涌现,也使得中华老字号面临着严峻的挑战。而山西老陈醋,作为具有上千年历史沉淀的中华老字号的典型代表,目前也面临着同样被挑战、被取代、被淹没的现实问题。如果山西老陈醋真有一天被新品牌所取代,被历史所淹没,那么这不仅仅是山西的损失,更是中华民族上下五千年优秀传统文化的巨大损失。造成山西老陈醋发展现状的原因有很多,如缺乏创新意识,观念陈旧、包装一成不变,毫无新意、品牌集中度低,市场分散、品牌宣传方式单调、品牌知名度低、同时品牌管理松散,假冒伪劣猖獗,行业恶性竞争现象严重等等。由此可见,品牌推广是其中最主要的问题所在,而成功的品牌推广恰恰是企业在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出、致胜的重要法宝之一。在这样的背景下,本论文首先对品牌和品牌推广策略进行理论概述,突出品牌推广对现代企业的意义,然后对山西老陈醋进行了分析,得出山西老陈醋的现状、山西老陈醋品牌推广现状以及存在的问题,并提出了可以付诸实践的建议和对策,以便能够使山西老陈醋再创辉煌,从而实现山西老陈醋的可持续发展。山西老陈醋作为山西的地理标志产品,承载着山西独特的风土人情以 及我国深厚的历史底蕴和优秀的醋文化,对于山西老陈醋的研究,无论对其自身的发展还是对中华老字号的继承和发扬,都有着非常重要的意义。 Abstract It is understood that 30% of the current China Time-honored Brand has disappeared, even if lucky enough to survive the Chinese old and famous mostly just the brilliance in the history of China, barely bale. In the increasingly fierce competition in the environment, China Time-honored Brand is more difficult, especially the emergence of a variety of domestic and foreign emerging brands, also makes China Time-honored Brand is facing severe challenges. And Shanxi mature vinegar, as a typical representative of precipitation has for thousands of years of history of the old name, is also facing the reality of the problem also be challenged and replaced, submerged. If Shanxi mature vinegar really one day be brand new replaced, was drowned out by the history, then this is not just loss of Shanxi, is the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture of five thousand years of huge losses. Due to the development of Shanxi old mature vinegar for many reasons, such as lack of awareness of innovation, stereotypes, packaging static. Nothing new, brand concentration degree is low, decentralized market, brand publicity monotone, low brand awareness, at the same time brand management is loose, fake and shoddy rampant, industry vicious competition phenomenon seriously, and so on. Thus, the brand promoti


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