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摘 要 毕业设计是实现本科教育培养目标的最后阶段,是毕业前的综合学习阶段,是深化、拓宽、综合教学的重要过程,是对大学期间所学专业知识的全面总结。本次毕业设计题目是软件园商场设计。 通过查阅大量资料和深入调研,形成。设计的方案并完成外文的翻译。先后完成建筑方案初步设计,设计计算、计算书撰写等。本设计主要分为建筑设计、结构设计两个部分。建筑设计详见设计图纸,包括门窗、墙体、屋面及楼面的做法。结构设先进行一榀框架的分析计算,包括计算恒、活载、地震作用、风载对结构的影响,以及对计算的内力进行组合,计算梁、板、柱、楼梯以及基础的配筋等。最后使用结构分析软件对结构进行空间三维体系分析,进一步提高结构设计的准确性和合理性。 通过本次毕业设计加深了对新规范、规程、手册等相关内容的理解,提高了理论应用能力。在进行内力组合计算时,对Excel工具有了更深的了解,并在绘图时熟练掌握了AutoCAD和madis Buiding。 框架结构设计的计算量很大,在计算过程中以手算为主,并用一些计算软件辅助计算。 关键字:商场 结构 设计 内力组合 ABSTRACT Undergraduate graduation design is to achieve the goal of the final stages of education and training is a comprehensive learning phase before graduation, is to deepen, broaden, comprehensive teaching an important process that is learned during the universitys expertise in a comprehensive summary. The graduation project topic is cherry villa design. The design of more than three months after graduation, in the instructors help, I have access to large amounts of data and to conduct in-depth research on the subject, design, calculated Writing and foreign language translation, are also in an orderly manner. This paper is divided into architectural design, structural design of two parts, architectural design detailed design drawings and the calculations include doors, windows, walls, roof and floor practices, structural design of the main calculating dead, live loads, seismic, wind load impact on the structure, as well as the internal forces calculated by combining computing beams, plates, columns, stairs and foundation reinforcement and so on. Through this graduation project deepened the new norms, procedures, manuals and other related content understanding, improved ability to apply theory. Combined forces during the calculation, the Excel tool deeper understanding and drawing mastered Auto CAD. Frame design lot of calculation, in the calculation process to manual calculation based, and use some auxiliary calculations calculation software. Key word: Emporiums Architecture


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