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河北联合大学轻工学院 QINGGONG COLLEGE, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 毕业设计说明书 设计(论文)题目:设计一座年产140万吨方坯的炼钢车间 摘 要 本设计的主要任务是设计一座年产万吨的转炉炼钢车间。本设计从基础的物料平衡和热平衡计算开始主要包括以下几部分:转炉炉型设计、转炉车间设计、连铸设备的选型及计算、工艺其中,转炉炼钢车间设计是本设计的重点与核心。转炉的原料主要有铁水、废钢以及其它一些辅助原料。本车间炉外精炼主要采用了喂丝以及真空脱气手段。本车间的浇注方式为全连铸。车间的最终产品为坯。顶吹 转炉 炼钢 车间 精炼 连铸 Abstract The main task of this design is designing a plant wich perduce 3.3 million tons of steel per year. It is become the foundation of the material and thermal calculation, mainly include the following parts: the bof model designing, oxygen lance designing, equipment selection and calculation of continuous caster ,besides,also including operating and process system of steelmaking ,the core of the design is plant layouting This design has two 50t converter for steelmaking, the average time of oxygen applying is 30min ,pure oxygen applying time is 15min, the efficient of the bof is 80% , scrap metal and other auxiliary materials. The rate of casting billet is 98%, in addition , refining mainly adopts wire feeding and vacuum deairing, The final product is billet. The design more strengthened my major knowledge, at the same time also understand more about the converter steelmaking of each process , laiding a good foundation for the work of future. Keywords: top and bottom combined blown converter steelmaking refining casting continuous casting 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 转炉冶炼原理简介[1] 1 1.2 氧气转炉炼钢的特点 1 1.3设计原则和指导思想 2 1.4 产品方案 2 2 氧气转炉炼钢车间 4 2.1 初始条件 4 2.2 公称容量选择[2] 4 2.3 转炉座数的确定 4 2.4根据生产规模和产品方案计算出年需钢水量。 4 2.5 计算年产钢量 5 3 转炉物料平衡和热平衡计算 6 3.1 氧气顶底复吹转炉的物料平衡和热平衡 6 3.1.1 物料平衡计算 6 3.2热平衡计算 15 3.2.1热平衡计算所需数据 15 3.2.2计算步骤 16 4转炉炉型及氧枪设计 20 4.1 转炉炉型设计 20 4.1.1炉型选择 20 4.1.2转炉的公称吨位 20 4.1.3炉容比确定 21 4.1.4高宽比 21 4.1.5炉型主要尺寸的确定 22 4.1.6 转炉设备及修砌 27 4.2 氧枪喷头设计 30 4.2.1喷头设计 30 4.2.2 氧枪枪身设计 32 4.2.3氧枪升降和更换机构 34 4.2.4 副枪设计 35 4.2.5 副枪的功能和要求 35 4.3 底部供气元件设计 36 4.3.1底气种类 36 4.3.2供气构件的选择 36 4.3.3喷嘴数量及布置 36 5转炉炼钢的生产制度 37 5.1主要原材料的技术要求 37 5.1.1金属料 37 5.1.2造渣材料 38 5.1.3氧化剂 39 5.2装料制度 40 5.3供氧制度 40


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