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摘 要 有源电力滤波器是一种用于动态抑制谐波和改善功率因数的新型电力电子装置。通过向电网送入与原有谐波幅值相等、相位相反的电流,达到改善和提高电能质量的目的。这种技术能对和幅值都变化的谐波和无功进行补偿,其补偿特性不受电网阻抗影响,具有响应快、可控性高、自适应性强等特点,克服了传统无源滤波的缺点因而受到广泛的重视。 关键词有源电力滤波器(APF),直流电压模糊控制直流侧电容PI控制,MATLAB仿真 ABSTRACT The active electric power wave filter is that one kind is used for development restraint harmonic and improves the power factor new model electric power electronic devise. Send in electric current opposite to the original harmonic amplitude equality , phase by facing an electrified wire netting, achieve improve and improve electric energy masss purpose. This technology can carry out compensation on the harmonic and idle work that frequency and amplitude all change , the person compensates characteristic property not accepting electrified wire netting impedance effect , strong from adaptability, have overcome passive wave filtering of tradition shortcoming , have accepted broad taking seriously as a result. Final developing according to actual device experiences , the direct-current having given an account of parallel type APF systematically inclines the voltage calculation and the capacitance choice. Active electric power wave filter direct-current stabilivolt realization has listed active electric power wave filter direct-current oblique tones capacitance voltage stability under the control of among them: Direct-current oblique tones capacitance voltage controlling principle , blurred H controls principle, mixed type active wave filter direct-current inclines voltage stability under the control of , parallel type electric power active wave filter direct current holds voltage. Key Words: The wave filter (APF) , direct current control , mix up active electric power under the control of, direct-current inclines capacitance , PI controls, MATLAB simulates 前言 电力系统中的谐波问题并不是一个新的问题,早在20世纪20年代,在德国就已经提出静态整流器产生的波形畸变问题。1945年J.C.Read发表的关于变流器谐波的论文是最早对谐波问题进行研究的论文。到了五六十年代,随着高压直流输电技术的发展,各国学者发表了大量的有关变流器引起电力系统谐波的论文。近年来,随着非线性负载,尤其是电力电子装置的大量使用,使谐波和无功功率


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