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预售商品房法律问题研究 摘要:随着我国房地产市场的发展,作为一项能够促使购房人和开发商双赢的商品房预售售房方式由国外传入我国。然而,目前我国的房地产法律制度还不是相当完善,在商品房预售方面还没有专门的法律加以规范,加之同时我国正处于市场经济初始的状态,在一些经济领域其发展较于发达国家还相当不正常,例如信贷、抵押、转让等在实际操作过程中存在着一定的漏洞,而商品房预售过程中或多或少的会遇到这些问题,使本来就不够规范的房地产市场在近几年暴风雨式的高速发展中,如同一艘存在许多漏洞的巨轮一般险情不断。作为目前最为主要的房产交易方式之一的预售商品房制度,也因此在实际购房过程产生了许多问题,导致购房者与开发商产生了冲突,购房者的权益往往得不到保障。虽然我国的《物权法》已经产生,其中对于房产的相关规定已经有了一定的完善,但在实际的房产交易过程中还存在许多问题并不适用《物权法》的相关规定,要进一步的完善我国的房地产市场规范,相关的专门法必须尽快出台,只有这样才能确保我国的房地产市场,乃至市场经济健康、稳定、快速的发展,使百姓能够享受到和谐社会的安定和团结,为我国综合国力的不断强大保驾护航。 关键词:预售商品房,房地产市场,法律完善 Abstract:Along with our country real estate market development, took an item can urge to buy homes the human and the developer win-win commodity apartment sells in advance the selling houses way by to spread to our country overseas.However, at present our countrys real estate legal regime is not quite consummates, sells in advance the aspect in the commodity apartment not to have the special law to perform the standard, adds at the same time our country to be at the market economy initial condition, quite is not normal in some economical domain its development in the developed country, for example the credit, the mortgage, the transfer and so on have certain loophole in the actual operation process, but the commodity apartment sells in advance in the process more or less to be able to meet these questions, causes originally on the insufficient standard real estate market in recent years the storm -like high speed development, is similar to one to have many loopholes the huge ship general dangerous situations to be unceasing.One of as present most main real estate transaction ways sells in advance the commodity apartment system, also therefore has had many questions in the actual buying homes process, caused the home-buyer and the developer has the conflict, home-buyers rights and interests often could not obtain the safeguard. Although our country Reality of laws already produced, in which already had certain consummation regarding the real estate correlat



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