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云南大学 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目:云南播卡金矿地质特征及构造控矿规律 学院:资源环境与地球科学学院 摘 要 播卡金矿位于扬子地台西缘康滇地轴中南段的东北侧,近南北向小江深大断裂的西侧。小江深大断裂为矿区主干断裂,控制着播卡矿田、矿床的分布格局。形成于晋宁期的F3、F4断裂与小江深大断裂平行,在矿区组成了脆-韧性剪切带,播卡金矿的16条矿体都严格赋存于其中,为矿区内的导矿、容矿构造。形成于喜山期的F10~F21等近东西向断裂为成矿后构造,切割了南北向构造,对矿体具有破坏作用。 本文在充分收集资料并在前人研究成果的基础上,通过深入细致的野外地质调查和室内资料整理,运用构造地质学、岩石学、矿床学、地球化学等理论与方法。从构造地质背景入手,重点研究地层、构造、岩浆岩与成矿的关系。分析矿区的地质构造演化、矿床地质特征以及各种控矿因素,论证构造与成矿的时空关系,总结成矿规律并建立构造控矿模式。研究认为,本区金矿的形成受构造的严格控制。构造的控制作用贯穿了矿床形成的全过程,构造裂隙为矿液运移提供通道,同时也为矿体的堆积提供赋存空间,构造的各种形变与转换都与成矿流体的运移有密切的关系。 关键词:播卡金矿;矿床特征;脆- 韧性剪切带;控矿构造 Abstract Boka gold deposit is located in the middle-south Kangdian axis of its northeast , west margin of Yangzi platform,which is on the near west side of Xiaojiang active fault.Xiaojiang fault is the main fault in the ore district,which controlled the distributionstyle of Boka or field and ore deposit.The F3 and F4 fault formed during Jinning period are parallel to Xiaojiang active fault.These faults formed brittle-ductile shear zone and were mainly conductive and host structures for the deposits.The F10~F21 faults of east-west strike were formed during Xishan period,which were post metallogenic structures and destructive effect for the ore bodies. Based on the predecessors work,the author gathered geological information,made field investigation,data collection and analysis.With the help of theories of structural geology,petrology,mineral deposit geology,geochemistry,obtains from the geotectonic background,focused on the relationship between stratigraphy, tectonics, igneous rocks and mineralization.Analysis the tectonic evolution,geological features and a variety of ore-controlling factors of mine,to verified the relations of space and time of structure and mineralizes,summarized the regularity of ore formation and structure mineralization model.According to the systematic studies,the formation of gold strictly controlled by the structure.The tectonic for the formation of the control of mineralization throughout the wh


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