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智能小区物业系统 摘要 随着市场经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,住宅小区已经成为人们安家置业的首选,几十万到几百万的小区住宅比比皆是。人们花的钱越多,不但对住宅的本身的美观,质量要求越来越高,同时对物业小区的服务和管理也要求很高,诸如对小区的维护维修,甚至对各项投诉都要求小区管理者做的好,做的完善。这要要求小区管理者对物业管理进行宏观的和微观的细致管理,其中最好的办法是用计算机操作的小区物业管理系统来实现对小区物业的管理,这就为我们设计小区物业管理系统提供了市场需要。 随着计算机技术的不断普及和计算机数据处理功能不断增强,用计算机系统来对小区物业管理已经成了必要。利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,应用JAVA技术和采用MYSQL数据库系统组件来构成考试的应用服务系统,开发了基于B/S模式及安卓手机模式多用户小区物业系统程序便是一款完全适合普通小区物业日常事务管理的软件。软件设计综合了具有一定代表性的多家物业管理公司的业务模式和需求。能实现房产、客户等小区的智能化管理,可以提高物业管理的效率。 关键字:JAVA;MYSQL;物业系统;B/S Intelligent residential property system Abstract With the development of market economy and people living standard rise, the residential district has become the people of choice for home buyers, hundreds of thousands to millions of residential area. People spend more money, not only of the housing itself is beautiful, more and more high quality requirements, at the same time for residential property service and management also request is very high, such as to maintenance of the village, even for all the complaints are ball community managers do good and perfect. Which required to district manager of property management in macro and micro meticulous management, which is the best way to use computer operation of residential property management system to implement the management of residential property, which is the best way to use computer operation of residential property management system to implement the management of residential property, it is designed for our residential property management system provides the market needs. With the popularization of computer technology and computer data processing function, using computer system to residential property management has become necessary. Use of network and database technology, combined with the current hardware prices fell and broadband network construction energetically favorable advantages, application of JAVA technology and USES the MYSQL database system components to form the test



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