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摘 要 中国枣品种展示系统是一款基于android手机操作系统的软件。在手机这个移动平台上,该软件系统得展示了中国枣的各个品种,包括中国枣的文字介绍,图片信息,视频信息等。这些资源存储在服务器端,用户通过手机上网查看。作为中国枣管理系统的一部分,中国枣品种展示系统详细介绍了数十个品种的大枣,信息资源丰富,操作简洁。 随着移动互联时代的到来,智能手机终端在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,时刻影响着我们的日常生活。作为一次在移动终端的简单尝试,中国枣品种展示系统试图为果农提供在手机上的信息展示和资讯发布。果农只需打开手机,轻轻一点,即能从网络中获取丰富的信息资源,方便快捷。 在设计实现方面,使用Eclipse+Android SDK平台开发客户端,结合Eclipse Web+Tomcat+MySql组成服务器端,运用Java语言,尝试采用面向对象系统分析与设计方法,设计和实现本系统的各个模块,最终整合成完整的应用程序。 设计此程序的目的是希望能给需要此类信息的人们带来方便,同时自己在完成此程序的过程中学到知识和经验。 关键字:中国枣品种展示、Java、Android、Server、MySQL. Abstract Chinese jujube varieties display system is a based on android mobile phone operating system software. In the mobile phone platform, the software system to show the Chinese jujube varieties of text is introduced, including the Chinese jujube image information and video information, etc. These resources are stored in the server side, the mobile phone users through the Internet to see. As part of the Chinese jujube management system, the Chinese jujube varieties display system of dozens of varieties of jujube was introduced in detail, the information resource is rich, simple operation. With the advent of the era of mobile Internet, smart phones terminal in our life plays a more and more important role, moment affects our daily lives. In mobile terminal as a simple attempt, Chinese jujube varieties display system attempts to show growers provide information on a mobile phone and information release. Growers need to open the phone, gently, namely can obtain abundant information resources from the network, fast and convenient. In the design implementation, using Eclipse+Android SDK development platform to develop the client, with Eclipse Web+Tomcat+MySql server, using the Java language, try to use object oriented system analysis and design method of the various modules of this system design and implementation, eventually integrated into a full application. Hope is the purpose of design this program can bring convenience to people need such information, at the



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