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大连市清水源5#住宅楼设计 Qing Shui Yuan house design in Dalian 学 院(系): 土木水利学院 专 业: 土木工程 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 摘要 本设计题为“大连市清水园住宅楼”。设计共五层,三个单元,一梯两户,A户三室两厅二卫118.04m2 ,B户两室两厅一卫94.88m2,C户三室两厅一卫110.54m2,总建筑面积约为3414.15m2。各层建筑层高为3.0m,总建筑标高为16.2m。结构形式采用现浇钢筋混凝土全框架结构,体型简洁,有利于抗震。抗震设防烈度为7度,场地土类别为Ⅱ类,耐火等级为二级。 设计内容包括建筑设计,结构设计,施工图绘制以及外文参考文献翻译等四个主要部分。结构计算部分选取一榀框架进行手算,包括荷载、内力和配筋计算。对整个结构则采用pkpm软件进行配筋计算。设计全部按国家标准,符合经济、实用、美观、安全的原则。 在王吉忠老师的指导下,我顺利地完成了本次毕业设计。本设计从资料准备到设计计算的整个过程中,我参阅了不少设计参考资料及建筑规范,并且和同学一起研究讨论,解决了在设计中遇到的很多问题。通过本次毕业设计,我提高了自学能力,对土木工程专业的知识内在联系有了进一步的了解,并为今后的学习和工作奠定了一定的基础。这是一次难得的学习机会。 关键词:建筑;框架结构;设计简介 Abstract This design is named “Qing Shui Yuan house design in Dalian”. It’s consist of three cells and five floors with two doors on one stair,of which A is consist of three rooms,two halls and two bathrooms, 118.04 square meters, B is consist of two rooms,two halls and one bathrooms, 94.88 square meters ,and C is consist of three rooms,two halls and one bathroom, 110.54 square meters,. The total construction area is about 3414.15 square meters. Each storey is 3.0m high in construction,and the total building height is 16.2 m.The structure form is totally irrigating reinforce concrete skeleton framing , concision , which benefit to the anti- earthquake. The aseismatic intensity is 7 degree, the soil belongs to the Ⅱ kind , the fire-resistant grade is second grade. The design content includes four main parts: construction design, structure design, shop drawing and foreign article translation. The part of structure calculation involved load , internal force and reinforcing steel bar calculation, which was completed by choosing one single frame .The total structure was calculated with the use of PKPM. The whole design is based on national standard and embodies the principle of econ



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