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网络五子棋五子棋设计与实现 摘要 五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。现代五子棋日文称之为“連珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”。 五子棋不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性它既有面的广阔,又有点的忠言,而且简单易懂人民群众喜爱闻乐见,又有深奥的技巧和高水平的国际性比赛;它的棋文化源渊流长,具有东方的神秘和西方的直观;既有“场”的概念,亦有“点”的连接。它是中西文化的交流点,是古今哲理的结晶。用户范围广阔,系统内容丰富益智,具有较高的市场前景。 本次毕业设计通过C++语言在QT环境下编程,设计了五子棋游戏软件,使该软件具有美观友好的截面。使得能够实现选择颜色,悔棋,帮助,退出等功能,但是这次毕业设计的最大难点在于五子棋判断胜负的设计,已经对于在上,右上,右,右下,下,左下,左,左上。八个方向四条直线上的检索判断胜负。本游戏是以C++语言作为开发工具。本文详细地介绍了五子棋游戏软件设计的全过程,描述了该软件的功能。 关键词 五子棋; C++; QT; 设计 Abstract Gobang originated in Chinese ancient Chinese tradition Reversi one. ModernGobang Japanese called Pente, translated as Renju, English called Gobangor FIR. Gobang can not only enhance the thinking ability, improve intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation, it has the broad, and a bit of advice, but also easy to understand the people love to see and hear, and profound skills and a high level of international competition; the chess cultural source flow length,with the mystery of Oriental and Western intuition; both the concept of the field,also have point. It is the exchange of Chinese and Western culture, is the crystallization of the ancient and modern philosophy. A wide range of systemusers, content rich puzzle, high market prospects. The graduation design through the C++ language in the QT programming environment, designed the Gobang game software, cross section. The software has friendly. To enable color selection, afterwards, help, exit and other functions, the biggest difficulty but this graduation design is the design of Gobang to judge the outcome, is for, right, right, right, down, left, left, left. Search to determine the outcome of eight directions on four lines. The game is based on C++ language as a development tool. This paper introduces in detail the whole process of Gobang game software design, describes the software functions. Keywords C++; QT; Gobang; design 目录 1. 绪论 1 1.1 五子棋介绍以及开发环境 1 1.1.1 五子棋简



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