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2015暑期科研实习 《波西米亚丑闻》中的语用预设研究 专业年级: 英语123班 学生姓名: 牛文静 学 号: 2012015373 指导教师: 刘青利 完成日期: 2015年7月 《波西米亚丑闻》中的语用预设研究 A Study of Pragmatic Presupposition in A Scandal in Bohemia 摘要 在文学作品中,侦探小说占据重要位置并受到广大读者的喜爱。阿瑟·柯南道尔是著名侦探小说作家之一,他最为著名的侦探作品《福尔摩斯探案全集》被翻译成多国文字,被侦探小说爱好者广为推崇。小说中的核心人物福尔摩斯也成为家喻户晓的名字。《波西米亚丑闻》则是是其中非常有名的一篇。预设,尤其是语用预设,在侦探小说中极其重要,是侦探进行推理,实现案件侦破的重要工具。国内外对这部世界经典侦探小说的研究不乏其人,但大多是从文学角度分析,如文体研究、叙事模式研究以及中译本研究等,涉及语用学角度的研究较少。语用预设在《波西米亚丑闻》中极其重要,是侦探家福尔摩斯进行案情推理,实现案件侦破的重要工具。鉴于此,本文试图从语用预设角度对《波西米亚丑闻》中的逻辑推理进行研究。本文尝试运用语用预设理论,从指称预设、语境预设、背景预设、交际对象预设四个方面,通过小说中的具体人物对话,分析柯南·道尔《波西米亚丑闻》严密的逻辑推理手法,从而更好地理解该作品的精髓所在。 关键字: 侦探小说 语用预设 语用功能 Abstract As an important part in literary works, detective stories are very popular among readers. One of the best authors of detective stories is Arthur Conan Doyle. His most famous detective story collection The Complete Sherlock Holmes has been translated in many languages and widely spread in many countries. The most important character Holmes has become world famous detective. A Scandal in Bohemia is one the most outstanding novels of the famous detective novelist Canon Doyle. Presupposition, especially pragmatic presupposition is a quite important tool in the detective stories for the detective to make inferences and finally to succeed in the case. There are many people studying this classic detective novel at home and abroad. But most of the researches belong to literature, which are mainly on its style, narrative pattern, Chinese translation etc. There are few researches about the novel from the perspective of pragmatic presupposition. However, in A Scandal in Bohemia pragmatic presupposition is extremely important because it helps the detective Sherlock Holmes go reasoning and have cases uncovered. Thus, this thesis attempts to analyze the strict logic reasoning in A Scandal in Bohemia based on the theory of pragmatic presupposition. Based on the specific conversations in A Scandal in Bohemia, this paper tries to


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