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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:PCPYMAC-SFC制造计划与实绩管理子系统 姓 名: 叶玉苗 学 号: 270308331 学 院: 福州大学工程技术学院 专 业: 数据库管理 年 级: 2003级 指导教师: (签名) 2006 年 6 月 10 日 制造计划与实绩管理子系统 学生:叶玉苗 指导教师 但是,根据所要量计划求出的制造计划并没有特别考虑工段能力和负荷。 由于制造计划是基于全体最优化的原则作成的,因此需考虑各工段的能力进行相应的调整后作成实行计划。 此外,按照制造订单的[3个月的工序负荷计划]进行资源(人/设备/时间)的准备也很有必要。当然在具体实行阶段会发生计划变动的情况。 此时应当以遵守交货期,提高生产效率为原则相应调整资源配置,进行计划的调整。 关键词:Manufacture Plan and Result Manage system ABSTRACT Manufacture Schedule and Result Control is to make a nice plan to enhance efficiency on Work Shop and Work Center within the scope of Item Manufacture Plan, which has been set with the principle of whole optimum, and reduce the Manufacture cost of production activity based on this plan. Verify distribution of resource based on Manufacture plan information including the forecast order from MRP ……Operation Planning, Man.power Planning Basing on fixed Manufacture plan information and abiding due date, draw up practice plan with the principle that Holding Capacity is in maximum. Instruct work based on practice plan. Make production activity according to the flow of plan under the control of progress. Feedback the information of efficiency and defect and so on based on result information, and improve them. Create Work Shop Manufacture plan based on the Shop Order issued by MRP. But the Manufacture plan does not take Work Shop capacity and load into consideration. Based on the Manufacture plan which abide the principle of Whole Optimum, Adjust the Manufacture plan with considering the capacity of each Work Shop, and create executing plan Furthermore, it is necessary to prepare the resource (Man/ Equipment/ Time) for the plan of “Load plan of 3 months by routine” based on forecast Manufacture order. In the executin



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