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河南农业大学 本科生毕业论文 题 目 4D4C多彩防伪查询系统研究 4D4C多彩防伪查询系统研究 摘要 近年来,随着造假水平的提高,曾经发挥作用的传统防伪技术已经失去了防伪的效力。为此,2008年出现了必威体育精装版一代的防伪技术——4D4C防伪技术。4D4C防伪技术,既克服了现有技术易于回收、非法拷贝、一码多印等诸多缺陷,又兼容数码防伪所有功能,而且具有无法伪造、容易鉴别、可先查后买等优点,已取得多项国家专利和国际著作版权。 本设计根据4D4C多彩防伪查询系统相关流程,采用软件工程的开发原理,依据软件流程过程规范,按照需求分析、系统设计、详细设计、程序编码、测试等过程开发了一个4D4C多彩防伪查询系统。本系统基于B/S架构,它的前端选用ASP为主要的编程框架,其.asp文件包含组成用户界面的HTML文本和控件,前台开发工具选用Dreamweaver 8,后台数据库选用SQL Server 2008。 关键词:4D4C多彩防伪查询系统;Dreamweaver 8; SQL Server 2008;ASP 4D4C colorful anti-counterfeiting inquiry system research Abstract In recent years, as the level of fraud increasing, traditional anti-counterfeiting technology has lost the potency of security that once have played a role. Therefor, there were--4D4C anti-counterfeiting technology of the latest generation of security technology in 2008.4D4C anti-counterfeiting technology has achieved many national patents and international copyright works,not only overcome many defects of the existing technology such as easy to recycle, illegal copying, a code to print, but also have all functions of digital security, and cannot be forged, authenticate easily identification, you can check first then buy and so on. The design is based on the related processes of 4D4C colorful anti-counterfeiting inquiry systems , used the development principles of software engineering, based on standards of software processes and process accorded with the demand analysis system design, detailed design, coding procedures, testing, developed an online examination system. The system is based on B/S structure, ASP is used as the main front-end programming framework, Asp file contains the composition of text and HTML user interface controls, Dreamweaver 8 is used as a development tool, I use SQL Server 2008 as the background database。 Keywords: 4D4C colorful anti-counterfeiting inquiry system; Dreamweaver 8; SQL Server 2008 ;ASP 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及目的 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 课题的研究方法 2 1.4 论文构成及研究内容 2 2


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