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摘 要 建筑小区主要是指居住区、疗养院、商业中心、机关学校等具有几种(或一种)功能的、相对独立的区域,其排水系统一般不在城市市政管网覆盖范围之内。小区污水属于生活污水范畴,一般水量较小,在我国通常把设计规模小于4000m3/d的污水处理称为小区污水处理。小区污水一般水量、水质变化较大,污染物浓度比城市污水低,可生化性好,因而易于处理,并通过消毒处理可回用,节约水资源。 本设计要求处理水量为00t/d的生活污水序批式间歇活性污泥法SBR是序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)的简称,是一种按间歇曝气方式来运行的活性污泥污水处理技术,又称序批式活性污泥法SBR的技术采用时间分割的操作方式替代空间分割的操作方式,非稳定生化反应替代稳态生化反应,静置理想沉淀替代传统的动态沉淀。它的主要特征是在运行上的有序和间歇操作,SBR技术的核心是SBR反应池,该池集均化、初沉、生物降解、二沉等功能于一池,无污泥回流系统使出水水质达到《》(B18918-2002)标准要求 Abstraction Community building is mainly residential, nursing homes, commercial centers, schools and other institutions have several (or a) functional.relatively independent of the region, its drainage system is generally not of urban pipe network coverage areas.Area Sewage effluent is living areas, the general stood smaller, China usually in the design and size of less than 4000m3/d of sewage treatment known as Area sewage treatment.Sewage water district general, the larger changes to the water quality and pollutant concentrations lower than in urban sewage, biodegradability, and therefore easier to deal with, and through disinfection can be used to save water resources. The design requirements for water treatment 500t/d the life of the sewage district (Residential Area background) design programs using sequencing batch activated sludge process.SBR is the sequencing batch reactor (Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process) short is a means by intermittent aeration to the operation of activated sludge wastewater treatment technology, also known as sequencing batch reactor.SBR technology is the key to the operation cycle of T control using time-division mode of operation in space segmentation alternative mode of operation, non-stable alternative biochemical reaction steady biochemical reactions, Still precipitation ideal alternative to the traditional dynamic precipitation.Its main feature is on the run in an orderly and intermittent operation, SBR is the core technology SBR pool, The po



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