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设计总说明 本设计为3000m3/d的造纸废水的工程设计。根据该造纸废水的水质特点和水量,参考造纸废水处理的经验资料,采用较新的DAF气浮法—UASB—生物接触氧化工艺,并进行经济、技术及环境效益的对比。 DAF气浮法适合用于处理造纸纸浆,悬浮物去除率为90%以上,工艺流程和设备结构比较简单;UASB有机容积负荷高,占地面积小,能耗低,可以回收沼气,剩余污泥量少,污泥脱水容易,运行管理简单;生物接触氧化池具有较高的容积负荷污泥产量较低颗粒较大,易于沉淀,无需污泥回流,不存在污泥膨胀问题也不产生滤池蝇。 Present is the design of the treatment project of paper wastewater with the amount of 3000m3/d. Distinguishing feature on the basis of former experience and statistics ,and through the comparison on the economic,technologic and environmental benefit,chose Pressure Dissolved Air Flotation -UASB-biological contact oxidation technology. Pressure Dissolved Air Flotation is suitable for dealing with paper pulp. The removal rate of suspended solids is above 90%. Technics process and equipment structures are relatively simple. UASB have a high organic volume load it occupies small area and has low energy consumption. Gas can be recovered Also. UASB produce little residual sludge. The sludge dewatering is easy.The operation and management are simple.Biological contact oxidation has a higher volume load, low sludge production, large particles and precipitating easily. It doesnt need sludge returning, and there is no sludge bulking problem and does not produce filter flies. Pressure Dissolved Air Flotation-UASB-biological contact oxidation technology is ripe, steady, less energy consumption,taking less area and high efficiency. The investment cost is about 2.5 million yuan,whith is reasonable. The average water running cost is 0.558 yuan / ton, whith is low. the discharged water can meet the emission limits of paper wastewater in Guangdong province. Key words: Paper wastewater Pressure Dissolved Air Flotation UASB Contact oxidation method 目 录 1 项目概述 1 2 设计规模和目标 2 2.1 设计处理废水水量 2 2.2 设计进水水质和出水水质 2 2.3 设计依据 2 2.4 设计原则 3 3 处理工艺的确定 4 3.1 本设计采用的工艺处理方法 4 3.2 工艺概述及选择理由 4 3.2.1 气浮法 4 3.2.2 生物接触氧化法 4 3.2.3 UASB法 5 3.3 工艺流程简图 6 4 主要设备的设计计算与设备选型 7 4.1 格栅 7 4.1.1 设计说明 7 4.1.2 设计计算 7 4.1.3 设备选型 9 4.2 调节池 10 4.2.1 设计说明 10 4.2.



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