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摘 要 随着网络技术的不断发展。人们对于网络有了越来越多的要求.Ebay,阿里巴巴,淘宝的出现,让电子商务重现曙光,google,baidu的 出现,让人们通过网络进行信息检索,获取到有效信息的途径更加丰富。电子读物也是在网络产业中一枝独秀,如起点中文网,天下电子书等,许多人都走向了网络作家这个方向,而电子书网站正式为广大的爱好电子读物的人们提供了交流与共享的平台。 E品书香网站基于电子读物资源共享、用户之间互动的功能,在开发设计中,采用B/S(Browser/Server),这种结构使得数据结果集合在浏览器中显示,数据的处理在服务器进行,用户只需要一个浏览器就可以遨游于使用本系统了了。数据库方面,业界具有常用的关系数据库管理系统Mysql,使系统安全性能更高。同时采用当前正在流行的J2EE技术开发,采用jsp用户界面更加的友好简单易操作。当今论坛的界面设计非常的炫耀富丽,用户体验非常的良好,主要要到了jquery这个流行的JavaScript框架。 在开发中选择了struts2+spring+hibernate(SSH)三大框架,dao层+service层+action层+view显示层的mvc分层的开发模式,实现了应用程序逻辑和页面显示分离,界面设计更简单。 关键词:java;web;mysql ;电子书,社交,SSH,MVC,JavaSricpt, Jquery Abstract With the continuous development of network technology. requirements for network has been increasing. Ebay, alibaba, taobao occurrence, let the electronic commerce recreate popular, Google, the emergence of baidu, let people through the network for information retrieval, obtain the effective ways of more abundant information rich. Of course,ebooks is most popular in the network ,such Qiandian , The Book Sky and so on.More and more people get to be netwriter.So the net of ebook is provide a plat for these men who like to read ebook or to write ebook. When the E Book Home bases on sharing resource and users can communicate to each other. In the development of design, adopts B/S (is clicked/Server) structure, this kind of structure allows data only result sets in the Browser display, data processing in Server, users need not install client, and because by the Server unified management data, easy to ensure the consistency of the data. Database, recommend industry of the leading relational database management system, the system Mysql safety performance is higher. By adopting the JSP, popular web Server (Java) programming, are more friendly user interface currently. In developing chose JSP + JavaBean + Mysql model, realized the application logic and page shows the separation, interface design more simple. JavaBean reusable software component meet, and meanwhile make s


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