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Reversible Factorization of U Orthogonai Transform and Image Lossless Coding
绪论 3
1 U一正交变换 3
1.1 U·正交函数系 3
1.2 离散U一正交变换(DUT) 4
2 可逆U一正交变换 6
2.1正交矩阵的可逆分解 6
2.3 U-正交矩阵的SERM分解 9
3 可逆U-正交变换的图像无损编码 11
3.1可逆U-变换的无损编码 11
参考文献 12
U orthogonal transform is applied into the image lossless coding,and the factorizations of U orthogonal matrices into triangular elementary reversible matrices(TERMs)and single-row elementary reversible matrices(SERMs)are investigated.The TERM factorization of an N by N matrix iS determined by N一1 free variables,and therefore,the local approximate optimal TERM factorization can be found by shrinking search—interval of the N一1 free variables.If row exchange is used,an 8×8 orthogonal matrix has only 40320 forms of SERM factorizations,and the approximate optimal SERM factorization can be found with the exhaustion search algorithm.At the end。Image lossless coding is achieved by using reversible U matrices,and the experimental results show that the code-rate of lossless compression based on reversible U transform is comparable to that 0f near lossless compression based on float U orthogonal transform:the coding efficiency of SERM factorization outperforms that of TERM;the image coding performance of U orthogonal transform of degree 3 is approximate to that of DCT.As a result,the U orthogonal transformation of degree 3 can be used into the image lossless coding instead of DCT.
Key words:U—orthogonal transform;triangular elementary reversible matrix;single-row elementary reversible matrix;lossless coding;discrete cosine transform(DCT)
关键词 :U一正交变换;基本三角可逆矩
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