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本科毕业论文 题 目 常州莱森机械制造有限公司营销策略研究 2015 年 4 月 14 日 内容摘要 我国机械制造行业中小企业仍受到企业规模小、资源不足、技术能力弱等因素限制,市场竞争力弱。本研究根据市场营销组合理论与客户关系管理理论,采取问卷调查法,对常州莱森机械制造有限公司(以下简称“莱森机械”)的营销现状及问题进行了分析,并针对营销中存在问题,提出了相关的解决对策,对中小型制造企业具有借鉴意义。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分详细阐述了市场营销相关理论,包括营销组合理论和客户关系管理理论;第二部分为公司概况及营销状况的调查与分析;第三部分是根据调查分析提出企业营销中存在的问题,包括不注重品牌建设,产品同质化严重,定价方法单一,实体渠道与网络渠道未结合,促销活动缺乏系统的控制,忽视客户关系的管理;第四部分为企业应采取的对策,包括树立品牌形象,加强自主研发能力,采取多种定价策略,构建立体化的营销体系,系统控制促销活动,采取客户关系策略。 关键词:市场营销;营销组合;机械制造 Abstract Chinas machinery manufacturing industry, SMEs are still subject to small scale, lack of resources and weak technical capacity constraints, market competition is weak. In this study, according to the marketing mix theory and customer relationship management theory, take questionnaire, Clarkson Changzhou Machinery Manufacturing Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Clarkson machinery) The marketing status and problems are analyzed and problems for marketing proposed relevant countermeasures, with reference to the small and medium manufacturing enterprises. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part elaborated the theory of marketing, including marketing mix theory and customer relationship management theory; the second part is the investigation and analysis of company profiles and marketing conditions; The third part is made according to the survey analysis business Marketing problems include not focus on brand building, product homogeneity serious, single pricing, physical channels and network channels unbound, promotional planning activities lack of control systems, ignoring customer relationship management; fourth part of enterprises should Measures taken, including brand image, strengthen R D capabilities, take a variety of pricing strategies, build three-dimensional marketing system, overall planning marketing strategies, taking customer relations strategy. Keywords: Marketing; marketing mix; machinery manufacturing 目 录 一、绪论 1 (一)选题背景及意义 1 (二)


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