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2013 届 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 西安市第三方物流企业物流效率提升策略分析 The Analysis on Strategies to Improve The Efficiency of 3PL in Xian 摘 要 第三方物流在我国刚刚起步,但发展非常迅速,目前已成为物流业发展的重要力量和主要方式。西安市目前大约拥有1000多家第三方物流公司,大多由于规模小、服务功能单一、管理薄弱、信息化程度低、人才匮乏等原因,出现了物流成本过高、灵活性差、资源浪费严重、技术落后等问题,与发达国家和国内发达地区还存在较大差距。同时,第三方物流又面临着巨大的市场机会和国际环境,处于机会和挑战并存之中。本文从经济性、技术性和社会性三个角度探讨了西安市第三方物流效率存在的问题,分析了造成这些问题的主要原因,诸如缺乏相应的物流人才和设施、技术不专业、现代化科技手段落后等,最后结合西安市第三方物流的实际情况,运用所学专业知识,提出了兼顾企业自身业务整合社会资源。大力加强人才培养和引进。提高信息技术的运用,实施一体化、信息化管理等发展意见和建议,以期有效的克服西安市第三方物流发展瓶颈的制约,促进西安市第三方物流业的迅速发展。 关键词:西安市;第三方物流;物流效率 ABSTRACT Trird patry logistics has just started in our country, but the development is very fast, has become the main method and important force in the development of logistics industry. Xian city currently has about 1000 more than the third party logistics companies, mostly because of the small size, single function, poor management, low level of information technology, talent shortage and other reasons, the problem of high cost of logistics, flexibility is poor, a serious waste of resources, backward technology, there is still a big gap between the developed countries and developed areas in china. At the same time, the third party logistics faces the enormous market opportunity and international environment, the opportunities and challenges coexist. This paper discusses the existence of the third party logistics efficiency of Xian city problems from three angles of economy, technology and society, analyzes the main reasons for these problems, such as lack of logistics personnel and facilities, technology is not professional, modern science and technology behind, then combined with the actual situation of the third party logistics in Xian City, use of the expertise, is proposed. The enterprise business integration of social resources. Strengthen personnel training and the introduction. To improve the use of information technology, the implementation of the integration, information management, advice and sugges


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