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CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 电能计量装置的无线抄表系统 电能计量装置的无线抄表系统的设计 摘要 在行业信息化过程之中,户表数据的自动化抄送具有非常重大的意义。本设计从硬件设计和软件设计两方面提出无线抄表技术的解决方案。 无线抄表系统由单片机、电源电路、串行通信电路、显示电路、键盘设置电路、存储器等组成。本设计中介绍了一种利用87C51单片机和nRF401无线通讯芯片构成的手持无线抄表终端和电能控制终端。nRF401无线传输模块是无线抄表系统中的核心部分它的主要任务是采集电子式电度表的数据。 关键词:单片机;无线抄表;nRF401无线传输模块;无线串行通信 THE DESIGNING OF WIRELESS METER READIND SYSTEM 0F ENERGY METERING DEVICES ABSTRACT With the development of information society, the timeliness and accuracy of energy metering, electricity accounts and the collection has become an important subject of production and life. The Traditional method of meter reading is manual door meter reading, artificial accounting, labor charges, there is some problem of cumbersome, large amount of statistical work, the meter is not accurate and so on. With the improvement of the quality of life, as well as the Ministry of Construction issued on the establishment of a nationwide residential intelligent technology demonstration project file, the meter reading is gradually changes to the IC card pre-paid and remote meter reading. With the development of modern electronic technology, communication technology and computer network technology has made ??rapid progress, while the combination of the two further evolved many new means of communication and communication systems, providing?more?realistic chances to the implementation of automatic meter reading system.In the information—based industries process,It is of great significance for table households automation to copy data. The design apply proposed solutions from two aspect of hardware and software for wireless meter reading technology. This wireless meter reading system is consisted by microcontroller,power supply circuit,serial communication,display circuits,circuit keyboard settings,memory and other components The design introduces handheld wireless meter reading terminal and Power control terminal use of SCM and wireless communi


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