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摘 要 校园二手商品交易网站就是基于每年毕业生离校时都会丢弃或转赠大量学习生活用品,这些物品往往得不到很好的处理,造成学校的污染和浪费,因而出现的这样的一个网上购物平台,并且方便同学之间互相买卖交易,各取所需。本文主要介绍了该平台的方案论证、总体设计等实现过程,详细论述了设计思想、数据库设计和功能模块设计。实现了用户注册、用户修改信息、发布信息、查询浏览、发表评论、商品管理、用户管理、物品管理等功能。整个系统的设计过程中,充分考虑了数据库的安全性、一致性、稳定性和可靠性的问题,并具有了友好的界面,操作也十分简单。 在此基础上,互联网的普及更是一个必不可少的支持因素,越来越多的人们不愿意出门购物,借助互联网,就可以在网上满足自己小小的要求,电子商务越来越受到人们的青睐。本网站采用ASP技术进行动态页面的设计,后台采用Access数据库,操作简单方便,页面简洁清新,适合当代大学生操作和运用。 关键字:ASP技术、二手商品网站、Access数据库、用户管理 Abstract School of second-hand goods trading site is based on graduates each year will be discarded or giving away a lot of learning supplies, these items are often not very good, cause school of pollution and waste, and thus such a online shopping platform, and convenient transactions, each other between classmates. Scheme comparison of the platform is mainly introduced in this paper, the overall design realization process, detailed discusses the design idea, database design and function module design. Realizes the user registration, users modify information, release information, query, browse, comment, commodity management, user management, goods management, and other functions. The whole system design process, fully consider the database security, consistency, stability and reliability issues, and has a friendly interface, operation is very simple also. On this basis, the popularity of the Internet is a indispensable support factors, more and more people dont want to go out shopping, with the help of the Internet, can satisfy his small request on Internet, electronic commerce is more and more get the favour of people. This website USES ASP technology for the design of dynamic page, the background using Access database, simple and convenient operation, a page is concise and pure and fresh, suitable for operation and use of contemporary university students. Key words: The ASP technology, the secondhand goods websites, Access database, users management 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1 前言 1 1.1.1电子商务的定义 1 1.1.2电子商务与传统交易的差异 1 1.1.3电子商务的优越性 1 1.2 二手网站的优势 2


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