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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 系 部: 计算机系 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 诚信承诺书 专 业: ,班 级: 学 号: ,指导老师: 本人确信已完全了解学院制定并颁布实施的《学生学籍管理规定》、《考试纪律与违纪处理规定》、《毕业设计(论文)管理办法》和《毕业设计(论文)实施细则》中有关毕业设计(论文)之相关规定,对上述规定并无异议,并将自觉遵守。 本人郑重承诺 专业的毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)《 》中,凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明并详细列出有关文献的名称、作者、年份、刊物名称和出版机构等内容;论文中的主要观点和思想系本人独立思考完成;本人在此申明愿承担与上述承诺相违背的事实所引起的一切不利后果。 签名: 年 月 日 摘 要 随着Internet的迅速发展,各种宽带接入技术也不断出现,网络游戏、电子商务、视讯点播、远程教学、下载等宽带业务应用已经深入到千家万户,成为人们生活不可少的一部分。然而,与Internet突飞猛进的惊人速度相比,用户端却一直倍受接入速度低的困扰,网络“瓶颈”现象日趋严重 。。。。。。。 通过分析比较ADSL和FTTH技术的发展,目的是在进行网络规划和应用中,既要考虑到接入网的技术和宽带、现状与发展等因素,又要选择适合目前需求,而易于升级改造的接入网设备和技术,以免重复投资。。。。。。。 关键词:ADSL FTTH 宽带业务 网络规划 abstract With the rapid development of Internet, all kinds of broadband access technology is also appear constantly, network game, e-commerce, video on demand, a remote teaching, such as broadband business application download to have in-depth thousands, and become part of the people living cannot little. However, with the Internet by leaps and bounds astonishing than speed, client but had been under access speed with low, the network bottleneck phenomenon becomes more and more serious. Early telephone dial-up Internet way already far cant meet the actual demand, therefore, ADSL, FTTH, etc. Various kinds of broadband access technology arises at the historic moment, in the long run, fiber to the home (FTTH) is an ideal choice for broadband access, but because the present fiber to the home costs remain high, in the next few years the communication operators still dominant ADSL broadband technology, to meet the growing broadband business application requirements. Through the analysis and comparison of the development of the technology FTTH ADSL, the purpose is in the network planning and application, both must c


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