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青岛理工大学 毕业论文 题 目:. 改建工程路面结构设计 系 部:. 专 业:. 土木工程 班 级:. 学 号:. 指导老师:. 2015年10月14日 摘 要 交通运输事业是国民经济的重要组成部分,是国民经济的命脉,是联系工业和农业、城市和乡村、生产和消费的纽带。它在国家的政治、经济、军事、文化建设中具有重要作用。 一级公路与二级公路是连接高速公路或是某些大城市的城乡结合部、开发区经济带及人烟稀少地区的干线公路,一级公路的建成是对城市的政治、经济、文化的交流和发展会起到积极的作用。对东北地区来说,公路的建设意义深远,选择交通作为合作的突破口,无疑是注重实效的选择。实现交通的多面化,既是行业协调发展,为社会提供优良交通环境的需要,全面实现小康社会目标的需要,是实现经济一体化,促进区域经济共同协调发展的需要。 335省道三庄至莒县段改建工程长27.25公里,主要设计路面结构设计。路面为沥青混凝土路面结构类型,335省道三庄至莒县段改建工程公路的建成将对于城市区域间的发展和建设具有重要意义。 关键词:一级公路 , 二级公路 , 路面。 Abstract The cause of transportation is an important part of the national economy, is the lifeblood of the national economy, the contact industry and agriculture, urban and rural, production and consumption of a link. It plays an important role in the countrys political, economic, military, cultural construction. Highway and secondary roads motorway or some major cities in the urban fringe, Development Zone economic zone and sparsely populated areas of the trunk road, a road built on the citys political, economic, cultural exchange and the development will play a positive role. Highway Construction in the northeast region, far-reaching, select the traffic as a breakthrough in cooperation, is undoubtedly a pragmatic choice. Traffic is multi-faceted, both industry and coordinated development, provide the community with excellent transport needs of the environment, the full realization of the need for well-off society goal is to achieve economic integration, the need to promote regional economic co-coordinated development. The Highway 335 Sanzhuang Juxian Rebuild Project is 27.25 km long main design pavement structure design. Road asphalt concrete pavement structure type, the Highway 335 Sanzhuang Juxian Rebuild Project Highway built for the development and con


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