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渤海大学本科毕业论文 渤海大学本科毕业论文题目 关于均值不等式的探讨 The Subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project of DUT DISCUSSION ON INEQUALITY 学院(系): 数 理学院数学系 专业班级: 数学与应用数学10-1 摘要 不等式主要研究数的不等关系,是进一步学习数学的基础,是掌握现代科学技术的重要工具。均值不等式是不等式内容的重要组成部分,世界上的很多国家,对均值不等式的教学都有其具体要求,在高中《课程标准》里面都对这部分内容的教学做了明确的规定.其内容在中学数学课程中也占有十分重要的地位,而国内外专门针对该知识点的研究比较少。本文通过实例讲解均值不等式,并延伸扩展相关问题,综合运用并进一步探讨,将研究均值不等式所得相关结果,用以解决最值问题、不等式证明以及实际生活中的数学应用的实际问题。 关键词 均值不等式,最值问题,数学应用 The subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis) BHU DISCUSSION ON INEQUALITY Abstract Inequality mainly studies several relations, is the foundation of further study mathematics, is an important tool to master modern science and technology.Average inequality is the inequality content is an important part of many countries in the world, the average inequality has its specific requirements, the teaching in senior high school curriculum standard for this part of contents of teaching made clear rules. The content in the high school mathematics curriculum also occupies an important position, and the special study of the knowledge is less at inland and abroad.In this paper, through the example explains the mean inequality, and extending related issues, the integrated use of and further discussion, will study the related results of mean inequality, to solve the problem of the most value, an inequation, and the actual problems of the application of mathematics in actual life. Keywords:inequality ,the most value issue,the value of mathematics application 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典 1.1 均值不等式定义 1.1.1 解决最值问题的有效方法—均值不等式 1.2 均值不等式结论 1.1.2 拓展均值不等式及其相关结论 1.3 均值不等式的推广 1.1 3 均值不等式的推广 2 均值不等式的应用 2.1 应用均值不等式的思想方法:待定系数法 2.2 应用均值不等式的主要解题技巧 2.3 应用均值不等式求最值问题 2.4 应用均值不等式证明不等式问题 2.5 应用均值不等式讨论数列极限问题 2.5.1均值不等式在极限中的应用 2.2.2均值不等式在数列收敛中的应用 参考文献 引言 均值不等式是数学中一个重要的不等式,它的许多性质对解决数学问题都有很大帮助,在现实生活中也有着广泛的应用。可以说均值不等式的发现,验证和应用也是数学文化的精髓所在。这对于我们来说是一项巨大的财富。但是我们要注意,求解最值时


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