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太原科技大学 TAIYUAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCETECHNOLOGY 毕业论文附翻译材料 学 生: 指导老师: 所属系部: 专业班级: 2015年6月 原文(节选) A study on Strategies of African American Vernacular English Translation ---based on Zhang Wanli and Cheng Shi’s Chinese translation versions of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master On Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Feng Ruowen Under the Supervision of Prof. Ding Lijun School of Foreign Languages Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang, China June 2013 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Analysis of translation methods of AAVE 2 2.1 Standard colloquial language method 3 2.2 Malapropism method 3 2.3 Syntax variation routinization 5 2.4 Semantic regeneration and annotation method 6 References 1 Introduction Nowadays, as the growth of the range and depth of globalization, cultural integration became increasingly evident. African-American Culture and AAVE have gradually attracted more people’s attention in recent years. As a special kind of dialect, AAVE possesses complex social and cultural functions. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by American writer Mark Twain is the most representative work of using AAVE, it occupied immortal place in the history of American literature. However, owing to syntax differences between AAVE and Standard English in phonetics, vocabulary, sentence structure and other aspects, besides, scholars are still stuck at the exploratory stage on the study of its translation principles and methods, translation works are quite different with diversity of translation methods and principles, thus literary critics domestic and overseas gave contradictory comments. Under this circumstance, it is necessary to conduct further discussion and research on AAVE translation. Translation involves conversing two languages with different cultural context to realize the integration and communicatio


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