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摘要 在我们生活的21世纪里计算机技术已经在各行各业中发挥着不可替代的作用。当前越来越多的商业、企事业单位已经将计算机技术应用于日常的管理工作以信息技术为主要标志的科技进步日新月异,高科技成果向现实生产力的转化越来越快。在市场经济中,销售是企业运行的重要环节。为了更好地推动销售,不少企业建立了分公司和代理制,通过分公司或代理把产品推向最终用户。这些分公司或代理商大都分布在不同的地理位置,跨时空,跨时间的频繁业务信息交流是这些企业业务的活动的主要特点。在这种形式下,传统的依靠管理人员人工传递信息和数据的管理方式就无法满足企业日益增长的业务需求了。 本设计主要完成对化妆品进销存管理工作的内容,其中拥有功能比较全面的进销存管理系统。该系统包括分公司管理、产品管理、进销管理和进销存查询几个模块。 关键字:进销存管理;进货;出货;库存;B/S模式 Abstract We live in the 21st century computer technology in all walks of life have been playing an irreplaceable role. At present more and more commercial, enterprises and institutions have the computer technology in day-to-day management of information technology as the main indicator of the technological advances, high-tech achievements into practical productive forces faster.In a market economy, marketing is an important part of running. In order to better promote the sale, many enterprises have established branch offices and agent system, through subsidiaries or agents of the products to end-users. Most of these subsidiaries or agents located in different geographic locations, cross-space-time, cross-time exchange of information between business operations of these enterprises are the main characteristics of the activities.In this form, the traditional manual transmission rely on the management of information and data management methods will not be able to meet growing business needs. In this paper, a comprehensive introduction to the contents of Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System, under the existing management methods based on the study of management models Invoicing, Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System derived demand analysis, outline design and detailed design, introduced the use of PHP and Mysql technology to achieve the B / S mode Invoicing Management System solution. The design of the main Square in December to complete the Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management cosmetic work, which has a more comprehensive functional Invoicing management syst


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