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摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,CAD已经广泛应用于零件设计和制造中,但一般的CAD软件都具有广而博的通用性,难以满足各类具体产品设计的需要,所以以通用CAD软件为基础,根据本单位的实际,进行不同程度的二次开发成为产品现代设计的重要内容。 齿轮作为各种机械传动设备中的重要装置,具有传动平稳,承载能力强等优点,有着非常广泛的应用前景。但其结构复杂,设计计算困难,为了提高设计效率,增加竞争优势,实现齿轮的三维参数化精确建模显 得尤为重要。 本课题的主要研究内容包括以下三部分:首先,以功能强大的三维软件UG为开发平台,深入掌握UG二次开发方法,选用UG/OPEN GRIP 和UG/OPEN MenuScript_二次开发工具,实现了直齿圆柱齿轮、斜齿圆柱 齿轮和直齿锥齿轮的三维参数化造型。其次,利用UG/OPEN API、VC++ 技术、数据库技术开发设计了齿轮信息数据库,可以有效的管理小组成员间共享数据,使工作者方便的查询齿轮的名称、材料、技术要求和设 计者等信息,达到协同合作、提高设计效率的目的。最后,采用 UG/MOTION对所设计的齿轮进行了啮合运动分析,进一步验证了渐开线 的正确性,而且提供了一种进行干涉分析,跟踪齿轮运动轨迹,分析齿轮传动的速度、加速度和力的方法。 关键词:CAD技术;二次开发;参数化;UG ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer,CAD has widely used in part design and manufacturing,but because of the commonality of CAD software, it is difficult to meet the specific needs of variable product design,SO on the basis of CAD software,according to the actual situation to carry out secondary development has become an important work ofmodem design. As an important engineering mechanical transmission apparatus,gealS have a very wide application potential because of its advantage,such as high stability and bearing loads.However,me structure of gears are very sophisticated,and design difficulties,To improve the design efficiency and Increase the competitive capacity,it is very important to realize the 3.D parametric modeling of gears. This paper mainly described the following three parts.First,Based on the software Unigraphics NX,this Project makes use of UG secondary development languages offered by modules of UG/OPEN GRIP and UG/OPEN MenuScript and then realize 3-D parametric modeling of involute straight toothed spur gear,helical—spur gear and straight bevel gear.Second,to use of UG/OPEN API,VC++technology and database technology developed a gear information database system,this system can effectively management the data among team members and workers can convenient inquiry the name of gears,materials,technical requirements and designers’name.etc.It also improves design efficiency.Thir



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