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摘要 伴随着科技进步和经济全球化,人民生活水平不断提高,拥有私家车的人群也越来越庞大。据统计,我国汽车保有量持续高速度增长,众多的车辆上路,是造成交通拥堵的最主要原因。除此之外,随着经济高速发展,城市化进程加快,信息化水平提高以及人们精神层次的不断拓展加深,人与人之间的社会化互动越显重要。但由于缺乏认知基础,人与人之间的的互动就显得漠然、敏感,且慎之又慎。 在此背景下,“拼车”成为解决交通和人文沟通的有效方法。目前已有网站针对拼车系统做运用与推广,并得到越来越多人的支持和欢迎。本系统使用PHP作为开发工具,APACHE作为Web服务器,并使用MYSQL作为后台数据库, 有效的结合Ajax、HTML、JavaScript、Jquery等相关技术,实现拼车系统的相关功能。 此次完成的拼车服务系统——信息发布子系统,成功的实现了用户注册、用户登录、拼车信息发布、拼车系统后台管理(包括系统消息、会员管理、登录日志管理、路线管理、管理员管理)等功能。本论文结合开发的拼车系统,介绍了基于web的同城拼车服务系统——信息发布子系统的研究和设计方法。 关键词: PHP, MYSQL,Ajax,拼车系统,信息发布 Abstract Along with the progress of science and technology and the globalization of economy, the improvement of peoples living level, owning a private car is more and more huge crowd. According to statistics, Chinas car ownership of sustained high speed growth, many vehicles on the road, is the main reason causing traffic jams. In addition, with the rapid development of economy, city changes a process to accelerate, raise the level of information and peoples spiritual level of development to deepen, social interaction between people is more and more important. But because of the lack of cognitive basis, between the person and persons interaction is indifferent, sensitive, and cautious. In this context, fight has become the effective method to solve the transportation and cultural communication. At present, site for carpooling system application and promotion, and get more people support and welcome. The system uses PHP as a development tool, APACHE as the Web server, and uses MYSQL as the background database, combined with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery and other related technology effectively, achieve the related functions carpool system. Carpooling Service -- information release system of the completed, the successful implementation of the user registration, user login, carpool information release, carpooling background management system (including the system message, member management, log log management, route management, administrator manage


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