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基于Web的校园二手市场信息发布系统的设计与实现 摘要:随着电子计算机和通信技术的发展,人类已经逐渐地进入信息化社会。信息已经成为一种社会的基本生产资料,在人类的社会生产活动中发挥着重要的作用。因此,开发相关的二手信息网站已经成为各行各业的必要和必需了,电子商务作为一门边缘学科,集管理科学、信息科学、系统科学、现代通信技术于一体,可以解决校园二手市场中所遇到的各种问题,对内来看,可以提高工作效率;对外来看,获得竞争优势。 传统二手市场往往只局限于少数的二手货交换店面,让消费者只能到专门的店面交易,花费了很多时间和成本。但是随着资讯的进步,网路市场无限扩大,为许多商家带来商机和利润。综观市场,现今仍是以传统的方式居多,所以本网站的设计皆以使用者为导向,针对网路人口的使用习性分析后,设计出先以本校学生为主的信息网站。 本文论述了校园二手信息网站的开发过程。针对校园内供求信息发布和管理不规范的问题,在学生中展开了调查。通过收集和整理学生们的意见,形成初步的需求分析模型,并形成对该网站的整体规划。然后从系统分析、系统设计、系统实施等环节,逐步分析了该网站的设计思路和实现技术和具体的实现过程。最后总结了该网站开发的心得和现实意义。 关键词:二手市场 供求信息 网站 Abstract With a computer and communications technology development, mankind has gradually entered the information society. Information has become a basis means of production and the production of human activities play an important role. Therefore, related to the development of secondary information system has become a necessary and essential industries, secondary information site as a marginal subjects, set management science, information science, systems science, modern communications technology in one, can solve the campus secondary trading In the face of various problems, at home, can improve work efficiency; external, to gain a competitive advantage. Traditional secondary auction market often confined to a small number of second-hand store to exchange, so that consumers can only be devoted to the store transactions, to spend more time with the cost. However with the progress of information, unlimited expansion of the Internet market, and bird opportunities for many business and profits. Looking at the market, now is the traditional way is still the majority, so the design of the site user-oriented, for the use of the Internet habits of the population, the first designed to our students based auction site. This article discusses the campus of second-hand information site development process. Against campus supply and demand information dissemination and management of nonstandard discussion students launched an investigation


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