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东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号: 基于Witness的物流实验室 生产物流系统建模与仿真 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系: 所学专业: 研究方向: 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 2015年6月 NEAU B.A. Degree Thesis Registered Number: MODELING AND SIMULATING ON LOGISTICS LABORATORY PRODUCTION LOGISTICS SYSTEM BASED ON WITNESS Name of Student:Wang Jianan Supervisor: Wang Yijiao College:Engineering College Specialty: Industrial Engineering Research Field: Logistics Management Northeast Agricultural University Harbin·China June 2015 摘 要 本文以我校物流实验室的生产物流系统为研究对象,在对国内外物流系统仿真的研究与发展现状进行了比较详细了解的基础上,确定了整个论文的研究目标,同时介绍了仿真系统的相关理论知识,探讨了生产物流系统仿真建模的方法,并介绍了Witness建模与仿真工具,应用Witness建模仿真软件,结合生产物流系统的理论知识,针对物流实验室生产物流系统进行仿真建模,通过Witness仿真软件的运行及其仿真结果的分析,运用路径优化等原则,提出了可行的优化措施,为物流实验室的优化方案提供了决策参考。 关键词: 生产物流系统;仿真建模;Witness;路径优化 Modeling and Simulating on Logistics Laboratory Production Logistics System Based on Witness Abstract With the extensive application of science and technology and the rapid development of computer technology, in the past the use of mathematical models to describe the system characteristics and the way to solve is gradually developed into a modern computer technology-based simulation modeling. This technology has a strong advantage that it can be used to solve many problems which can not be solved by mathematical means. Production logistics system is a very complex and open system, because of its complexity and uncertainty of production logistics system is exposed, so to find out the impact of production logistics system efficiency bottlenecks is very difficult. Experience shows that computer simulations modeling method is an effective tool to improve and optimize the secondary production logistics system. In this paper, the production logistics system of logistics laboratory in our school was used as the research object. Based on the research and development of the simulation of logistics system in China and


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