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摘要 本设计是基于单片机的立体车库系统,采用两层四列的模式来实现对立体车库的移动和停放。它主要以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,由硬件和软件组成。硬件主要由四个模块组成,包括单片机控制模块、按键电路、车位显示灯和车位移动显示灯模块。软件部分主要包括程序设计和流程图,程序是以C语言为基础,以KEIL软件进行编程和调试,流程流程图是整个设计的操作流程。这样由硬件的调试和软件的设计实现了本设计的自动寻位和自动移位功能,解决了在拥挤的城市中停车困难的问题。 关键词:立体车库; AT89S52芯片; 自动移位 Abstract The design is based on three-dimensional garage SCM system, using two four-column mode to achieve the three-dimensional movement and parking garage. It mainly A single-chip design is based on the three-dimensional garage system that uses two four-dimensional model to achieve the movement and parking garage. It mainly AT89S52 microcontroller core, consists of hardware and software components. Hardware consists of four modules, including single-chip control module, the key circuits, display lights and parking spaces to move the display module. Software part includes program design and flow chart, the program is written in C language-based, KEIL software for programming and debugging, process flow chart is designed to operate throughout the process. So by the hardware debugging and software design to achieve a bit of the design of automatic search and auto-shift function, convenient parking difficulties in crowded urban problems. T89S52 microcontroller core, consists of hardware and software components. Hardware consists of four modules, including single-chip control module, the key circuits, display lights and parking spaces to move the display module. Software part includes program design and flow chart, the program is written in C language-based, KEIL software for programming and debugging, process flow chart is designed to operate throughout the process. So by the hardware debugging and software design to achieve a bit of the design of automatic search and auto-shift function, convenient parking difficulties in crowded urban problems. Keywords: Parking garage; AT89S52 chip; automatically shift 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 1 1.2国内发展状况 1 1.3立体车库分类 2 1.4 立体车库的论证方法 2 第二章 控制系统硬件设计 3 2.1硬件


  • 用户头像 Victor10 2019-09-07 10:06:41
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