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连接板冲压模具设计 摘 要 模具是制造业的重要工艺基础,在我国模具制造属于专用设备制造业。本设计是冲孔复合模设计,冲模的结构性能直接反映了冲压技术水平的高低。选用材料时应考虑模具的工作特性,受力情况,冲压件材料性能,冲压件的精度,生产批量以及模具材料的加工工艺性能和工厂现有条件等因素。冲床的选用主要是确定冲床的类型和吨位。板料冷冲压加工是机械加工的一个重要组成部分。它应用十分广泛。但由于传统的加工存在着冲压工艺方案选择不合理、冲压间隙选择过大,压力机不相匹配等问题。本文就以冲孔复合模设计主要介绍了冲压模具设计的全过程: 经工艺分析工艺计算,间隙值的选择,确定了该设计工艺流程及冲模结构形式。 同时对所设计的模具分别进行了分析说明, 对压力机做出了合理的选择, 整个过程采用AutoCAD软件绘制模具的二维装配图和个别零件图。 冲压模;;冲裁间隙;冲压工艺。 Connecting plate stamping die design ABSTRACT Die process is the important basis for the manufacturing sector, manufacturers in China die of special equipment manufacturing. This design is Lianjie Ban punching, blanking compound die design, die directly reflect the structure of the high and low level of stamping technology. Optional material should be considered the work of mold, the force, punching pieces of material, the accuracy of press parts, molds and production quantities of materials processing plant performance and existing conditions and other factors. Selection of Punch Punch is determined the type and tonnage. Sheet metal stamping cold machining processing is an important component. It is very broad application. However, due to the traditional processing there is a stamping process options unreasonable, stamping gap choice is too large, presses do not match, and so on. In this paper, to Lianjie Ban punching, blanking the main compound die design stamping die design on the whole process: 1. The process of analysis, the gap value of the options, determine the design process and die structure. 2. At the same time, the molds were designed by an analysis that 3. The press has made a reasonable choice, 4. AutoCAD software used throughout the process of drawing two-dimensional mold assembly drawing plans and individual parts. KEY WORDS: stamping die; compound die; connection tablets; blanking gap; stamping process. 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 ×××××× 2 1.1 ×××××× 2 1.1.1 ×××××× 2 1.1.2 ×××××× 2 1.1.3 ×××××× 2 第2章 ×××××× 4 2.1 ×××××× 4 2.1.1 ×××××× 4 2.1.2 ×××××× 4 2.2 ×××××× 5 2


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