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摘 要
关键词: 远程控制 C/S 模式 套接字 信息安全
Simple Remote Control System
——The Design of master control Terminal
With the wide use of computer and the rapid development of network, the remote control system is used far and wide. Just through simple manipulate of the terminal, people can completely control the computer on the other side, including obtain the system information of the computer, and implement powerful functions. It is so-called remote control. The simple remote control system consists of two parts including controlling terminal and controlled terminal. We can monitor the controlled terminal and implement some operation about controlling the controlled terminal on the controlling monitor. The controlled terminal is used for analyzing, explaining and implement the received data. The system can implement the function of getting the information of controlled terminal, control controlled terminal, sending messages, and so on. The paper simply introduces the theory of remote control and the main technology. After the analysis, it describes the design and implement of the controlled terminal. At last, it shows the result in form of figures.
Key words: Remote control Client/Server mode Socket Information security
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
1.绪论 5
1.1 课题研究背景 5
1.2国内外研究现状 5
1.3课题研究的主要内容和方法 6
1.4主要工作分配 6
2 简单远程控制系统相关理论 7
2.1 远程控制系统概述 7
2.2 TCP协议 7
2.3 UDP协议 8
2.4 Socket套接字 8
2.4.1基本套接字函数调用 10
2.4.2 创建套接字 11
2.4.3 指定本机地址 11
2.4.4建立套接字连接 11
2.4.5 监听连接 12
2.4.6 数据传输 12
2.4.7关闭套接字 12
3 Windows的消息系统 13
3.1 消息的种类 13
3.1.1 MFC中的消息处理 13
3.1.2用ClassWizard进行消息处理 13
3.2客户端/服务器(C/S)模式 14
4.简单远程控制系统架构 15
4.1 总体目标 15
4.2受控端需求 15
4.3 性能要求 15
4.4 运行
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