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设计总说明 本设计为某啤酒厂啤酒废水处理工艺设计。啤酒废水水质的主要特点是含有大量的有机物,属高浓度有机废水,故其生化需氧量也较大。该啤酒废水处理厂的处理水量为5000 m3/d。原污水中各项指标为:BOD浓度为1200 mg/L,COD浓度为2000 mg/L,SS浓度为700 mg/L。因该废水BOD值和COD值较大,不经处理会对环境造成巨大污染,故要求处理后的排放水要严格达到国家二级排放标准,即:BOD≤20 mg/ L,COD≤100 mg/ L,SS≤70 mg/ L。 经分析知该处理水质属易生物降解又无明显毒性的废水,可采用两级生物处理以使出水达标。一级处理主要采用物理法,用来去除污水中的悬浮物质和无机物。二级处理主要采用生物法,包括厌氧生物处理法中的UASB法和好氧生物处理法中的SBR法,可有效去除污水中的BOD、COD。本设计工艺流程为: 啤酒废水 → 格栅 → 污水提升泵房 → 调节沉淀池 → UASB反应器→预曝气沉淀池→ SBR池 →处理水(污泥) 整个工艺具有总投资少,处理效果好,工艺简单,占地面积省,运行稳定,能耗少的优点。 关键词:啤酒废水处理,高浓度有机废水,UASB法,SBR法 General information of design This design is the brewery water treatment of a Beer Company. The main distinguishing feature of the brewery water is that it contains massive organic matters and it belongs to the high concentration organic wastewater, so its biochemical oxygen demand is also high. The water which needs to be treated in the beer wastewater is 5000 . The concentrations of BOD, COD and SS are 1200 mg/L, 2000mg/L and 700 mg/L, respectively. For the high value of BOD and COD for the brewery water, it can pollute the environment if it is discharged without disposal. So it is required to be strictly meet the secondary discharge standard of National Wastewater Discharge Standards which requests BOD≤20 mg/ L, COD≤100 mg/ L, SS≤70 mg/ L. After the analysis, the brewery water can biodegrade easily and has no obvious toxicity, so we use two levels of biological treatment to treat the drained water meet the designated standard. The first level of processing mainly uses the physical methods, which remove the suspended matter and the inorganic substance in the wastewater. The second level of processing is the biological methods, contains UASB (Up flow anaerobic sluge blanket) of anaerobic oxygen biology methods and SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) of demand oxygen biology methods, which could reduce BOD and COD in the waste water. The technological process of this design is: Beer wastewater → Screens →Swage lift pump house → Regulates sendimatation ta


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