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金融英语口语:如何汇报你的工作进度1. Hows the project going? 项目进展得怎么样? 2. Great! Were way ahead of schedule. 非常好!我们要提前完工了。 3. Were right on target. 我们正按计划进行。 4. Well, frankly, were running a little behind. 坦白地说,我们有点落后了。 5. Folks, were behind the eight-ballin meeting our sales target. Lets speed things up. 兄弟们,我们都快完不成销售目标了。我们得抓紧啊。 6. It’s 70% done. 已经完成70%了。 7. Itll be completed on time. 会按时完成的。 8. Were halfway there. 我们已经完成一半了。 9. Have the milestones been identified for the new project? 新项目的关键活动都已经确定了吗? 10. What delivery date are we looking at? 什么时候交货? 11. There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is next Fridays close of business. 不能再推迟了,最后期限是下周五下班的时候。 12. Were approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project. 金融英语口语:几个描述经济情况的句子How can we make the economy more vibrant? 我们怎样才能使经济更有活力? Inflation leads to more unemployment. 通货膨胀导致更多人失业. Inflation hurts the poor more than the rich. 通货膨胀伤害的是穷人而不是富人. They havent done anything to stimulate new jobs. 他们没有做过任何能刺激新的就业机会的事情. What about inflation? 如果出现通货膨胀怎么办? We need more jobs. 我们需要更多的就业机会. Were headed for a recession. 我们正走向衰退. The trade deficit is getting larger. 贸易赤字越来越大 金融英语口语:Trade FinanceNew Words 新单词 multinational??adj. 跨国的 subsidiary??? adj. 附属的 irrevocable??? adj. 不可撤销的 confirm????? v. 确认,使有效 circumstances?? n. 情况,环境 confront???? v. 面对 Phrases Expressions clearing bank 清算银行 documentary collection 跟单托收 D:Hi, Roy. How are your things going? 马:嗨,罗伊,近来一切都好吗? R:Fine. Everything is going smoothly. R:好,挺好。一切进展顺利。 D:This is Miss Harriet Smith, finance manager of A P Corporation. 马:这位是哈里.史密斯先生,A$P公司的财务经理。 This is Mr. Roy Stanford. 这位是罗伊.斯坦福先生。 H:How do you do? 史:您好! R:How do you do? I work in the international trade and banking division. 斯:您好!我在国际贸易与银行业务部任职。 As you know, were very much involved with many large American corporations dealing with international trade. 我们参与许多美国大公司的国际贸易事务。 H:Yeah. Thats why I come here this afternoon. 斯:是啊,这正是我今天下午此行的目的。 R:W


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