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锻钢件磁粉检测工艺规程 Magnetic particle testing specification for steel forgings 编 写:徐 军 PREPARED BY: Xu Jun 审 核:汤新发 CHECKED BY: Tang xinfa 批 准:徐岳强 APPROVED BY: Xu yueqiang 二零一零四月十二 锻钢件磁粉检测工艺规程 Magnetic particle testing specification for steel forgings 本标准规定了锻钢件磁粉探伤方法及缺陷显示迹痕的评级方法。 本标准适用于锻钢件表面和近表面缺陷的磁粉检测。 This standard provided the methods of magnetic particle testing and defects level. The standard is suitable for surface and near surface defects on steel forgings 目的 Obiect 完成锻钢件(铁磁性材料)表面和近表面缺陷的磁粉检测,出具相应的磁粉检测报告。 Complete magnetic particle testing of surface and near surface defects on steel forgings (ferromagnetic material),and issued by the corresponding magnetic testing report. 适用范围 Scope 本规程适用于铁磁性锻钢件磁粉检测,不能用于奥氏体锻钢件磁粉检测。适用于锻钢件机加工表面。 This specification applies to magnetic particle testing on ferromagnetic steel forgings, but could not apply to austenite steel forgings. Apply to the as-cast steel forgings and machined surface. 参考标准 Refetenced atandard ASTMA275 锻钢件磁粉检测方法 ASTM A275 Magnetic particle testing methods application GB/T9445 无损检测人员资格鉴定与认证 GB/T9445 Nondestructive testing individual qualification and certification 检测人员 Laboratories 4.1磁粉检测人员应依据GB/T9445或相当的规定取得相应资格证书,并从事与其资格等级相适应的检测工作。 Laboratories should provide access to the corresponding qualification certificates based on GB/T9445 or equivalent,and engage in their level of qualitication which was suitable to the work of testing. 4.2磁粉检测人员应每年检查一次视力,矫正视力应不小于1.0.,不得有色盲。 Laboratories vision should be checked every year. Vision correction should not be less than 1.0,no color-blind. 设备、器材和材料 Equipment、apparatus and material 5.1磁化设备与校验 Magnetic equipment and checkout 5.1.1磁化设备 Magnetic equipment 便携磁轭式磁粉探伤仪 Portable yoke 5.1.2设备校验 Equipment checkout 每年至少进行一次提升力校验,极间距为150~200 mm时,提升力至少应有45N。 Enhance the ability should be checked no less than once every year.when die opening is 150~200mm,Enhance the ability should not be less than 45N. 5.2磁粉与磁悬液 Magnetic particle and magnetic suspensio


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