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锅炉 boiler 自备电站 captive power plant 汽机房turbine hall 超高压煤粉锅炉extra high pressure pulverized coal boiler 超高压凝汽式汽轮发电机组extra high pressure condensing turbine-generator unit 柴油发电机组diesel generator set 采暖系统HVAC system 除氧间deaerator煤仓间coal bunker bay除氧煤仓间 deaerator热工控制系统CI system 主厂房 main power 冷却塔 cooling tower 除渣井 灰渣库ash silo and slag bin 推煤机coal bulldozer推煤机库coal bulldozer house继电器室 relay room 烟囱 stack 除氧器 deaerator静电除尘器electrostatic precipitator 一次风机汽包,锅筒 steam drum 燃烧系统ombustion system 引风机 induced draft fan 送风机dry coal shed 运煤栈桥coal conveying trestle 碎煤机室coal crusher house 卸煤槽 coal discharging chute省煤器economizer卸煤机coal unloader separator 除渣系统 slag handling system 配电室 distribution room 除灰渣系统ash and slag handling system 冷渣斗 刮板捞渣机Submerged Scraper Conveyor 碎渣机 slag crusher 输煤系统 coal handling system 循环水泵房Circulating Water Pump house 2回出线 2 outgoing circuit 自然油循环 natural oil circulation 装机额定出力:Installed rated output 外送净出力:Net output of transmission电站厂用电率:ate of electricity used by the station-service 电站热效率:hermal efficiency of the power plant 除尘器除尘效率:ust removal efficiency of precipitator 取水 intaking 取水点 intaking point 厂区围墙总平面的布置中央循环水泵房central circulating water pump 水泵房综合水泵房全厂控制运行层 the whole plant 输煤转运站空压机房ir compressor house 循环水加药间 irculation water dosing room 油泵房il pump house 循环水泵房irculating water pump house 母线互感器主要设备配电装置 switchgear点火油系统运煤系统高厂变烟风系统circulating fluidized bed) boiler 灰斗 ash hopper 磨煤机 coal pulverizer 熟地 cultivated land 料仓 silo (?) 热力系统thermodynamic system 燃烧系统combustion system 煤粉斗 coal bucket 一台双室四电场静电除尘器1 electrostatic precipitator with two chambers and four electric fields进厂道路燃油罐ignition burner 收到基含碳量carbon content on as-received basis 收到基低位发热量net calorific value on as received basis 干燥无灰基挥发份volatile matter(dry ash-free basis)灰熔点ash fusion point变形温度deformation temperature 流动温度flow temperature 空预器ir-preheater 埋刮板给机离心式引风机centrifugal induced draft fan电动机electric motor 液力偶合器luid coupling 加药自卸汽车self-unloading truck冷渣机spray desuperheating ca


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