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动词的ing 形式 1,在be worth,be busy,what about , how about等后用动词ing形式; 2,在介词之后一般用动词ing形式; 3, keep,enjoy,finish,mind,imagine, practice等动词后用动词ing形式. * * * 牛津 中考专项复习 牛津英语教研网 ----动词复习 has been went has gone will have rains calling be finished waiting 动词的非谓语形式 动词不定式 动词的ing形式(现在分词或动名词) 动词的过去分词 动词原形 1.只能接不定式的动词: 2省去的不定式: 3接不定式与接动名词用法有区别 的动词: 4只能接动名词的动词: 5使用过去分词表被动意义: ask , tell ,decide, hope, plan, refuse, prepare, want ,warn, allow, encourage fell, hear, let, have, make, see, watch, notice, look, listen. stop ,remember, forget, need, go on, like, need, finish, enjoy, keep, mind, practice, miss, be good at,can’t help, be used, give up 动词不定式的用法: 1,做主语 2,做宾语 3,做定语 4,做宾语补足语 5,做状语 6,连接代词,连接副词+动词 不定式 目的,结果,原因 Put your heart into the questions! 1.It is difficult (work) on the Great Wall. 2.Please stop (have) a rest if you feel tired. 3.She has no paper (write ) on. 4.Mother asked me (buy) some fruit after supper. 5.I went to the hospital (see) the doctor. 6.I don’t know which bike (choose). to~ to~ to~ to~ to~ to~ Eg. A: begin , start They bging to about it. 他们开始谈论这事。 talk /talking They started to on the machine. work/working 他们开始操作机器。 B: like , love , hate He likes to music. 他喜欢听音乐。 He hates to Happy Birthday. 他讨厌听《生日快乐》。 listening to listen Eg. C: She tried a composition. 她试着写作文。 writing 她设法(尽力)打电话给你。 She tried you . to call I remember the door just now. 我记得我刚才开了门。 opening Please remember the door after work. to close 请记住下班后关门。 I forgot him the news. 我忘记已经告诉他这个消息了。 I forgot him the news . to tell 我忘记了告诉他这个消息。 telling Test 一、选择 1. He has promised better latter. A. behaving


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