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序号 系统名 参数 说明 数据 单位 系统名 参数 说明 1 Rotor Rotor diameter [m] 风轮 风轮直径 Number of blades [-] 叶片数目 Hub height [m] 轮毂中心高 Tower height [m] 塔高 Blade set angle the angle between the rotor plane and a reference line from which the blade twist and pitch are measured [deg] 叶片安装角 桨叶和变距之间的参考线相对于风轴回转平面的角 Cone angle the angle between the blade axis and the rotor plane [deg] 叶片回转锥角 叶片回转锥角 Tilt angle the angle between the shaft and the horizontal (normally positive) [deg] 仰角 主轴和水平面的夹角 Overhang the horizontal distance between the rotor centre and the tower centreline [m] 风轮中心到塔心的距离 风轮回转中心和塔筒中心线的水平距离 Lateral offset the horizontal offset between the shaft and tower axes [m] 侧偏移(主轴到塔心) 主轴和塔轴的水平偏差 Rotational sense the turbine may rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise when viewed from upwind [-] 风轮自转方向(顺时针/逆时针) 当从上风向向风机看时,风机顺时针或逆时针转 2 Hub Hub mass mass without blades [kg] 轮毂 轮毂质量 不含桨叶 Hub mass centre the distance from the intersection of the shaft and blade axes to the centre of mass of the hub, in a direction measured away from the tower [m] 轮毂重心 从主轴和叶片轴的交点到轮毂质量中心的距离 Hub inertia(around x-axis hub coordinate system) [kgm2] 轮毂转动惯量 (x轴) Hub inertia(around y-axis hub coordinate system) [kgm2] 轮毂转动惯量 (y轴) Hub inertia(around z-axis hub coordinate system) [kgm2] 轮毂转动惯量 (z轴) Root length radius of the blade flange [m] 叶根半径 螺孔中心圆半径 Spinner diameter [m] 回转直径(球径) 回转直径(球径) 3 tower Geometry at some stations 塔架 在一些截面的几何尺寸 Height [m] 高 Mass per unit length [kg/m] 单位长度质量 Diameter [m] 直径 Bending stiffness or [Nm] 抗弯刚度 Wall thickness [mm] 壁厚 Material density [kg/m] 密度 Material young’s modulus [N/m] 杨氏模量 Tower eigenfrequency 1st bending downwind [Hz] 塔架一阶频率(弯曲下风向纵向) Tower eigenfrequency 1st bending lateral [Hz] 塔架一阶频率(横向) Aerodynamic drag coefficient [-] 空气动力拖动系数 Hydrodynamic drag coefficient (offshore only) [-] 流体动力拖动系数 (海上适用)


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