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风电并网对系统运行的影响和对策 Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems and Market Operations – Impact Solution 阿尔伯塔省电力工业概况 Alberta’s Electric Industry 风电大规模并网对系统运行带来的挑战 The System Operation Challenge of Large-Scale Wind Power Integration 如何应对风电出力变化和不确定性 How to handle the variability and uncertainty in System Operation 理解风电出力的变化规律 (风电出力变化研究) Understand the wind power variability (Wind power variability study) 理解风电出力的不确定性 (风电出力预测试点项目) Understand wind power uncertainty (Wind power forecast pilot project) 理解和评估对系统运行的影响 (系统影响分析, 1) Understand and assess the potential impact on system operation (System Impact study, phase-1) 评估潜在的系统应对措施及手段 (系统影响分析, 2) Assess potential mitigation solutions (System Impact study, phase-2) 应对措施的实施 (发展风电的市场及运行框架) Solutions implementation (Market Operation Framework) 理解风电出力的不稳定性 Understand the wind power variability AESO 和风电行业合作,完成了 “阿尔伯塔风电出力变化研究” AESO work with wind industry, contracted GENIVAR (Phoenix Engineering) to conduct “Alberta wind power variability study” 研究结果提供了2004年风电出力全年每分钟的仿真结果 / Provided simulated minute-to-minute wind power data for the whole year (2004) 基于2004年气候测量数据,未来风电发站方案及风电场模型 / Based on measured meteorology data across southern Alberta of potential future wind farms and wind power production simulation model 4个未来风电发站方案 / For 4 scenarios (~250MW, ~900MW, ~1500MW and ~2000MW) 250MW为2004年已有规模,用于模型验证 / The 250MW was the existing wind power scenario, for the purpose of wind power production simulation model validation 为下一步的 “风电的系统影响”提供必要的基础和数据 / The data was required and used later for AESO “Wind power system Impact studies” 研究的主要结论: 风电出力的不稳定随着发展规模的增加而增大, 但由于分布的分散互补性,并非按比例增大。 / A key conclusion of this study: The wind power variability does increase with the wind power development level, but not proportionally due to diversification 理解风电出力的不稳定性(2) – 分散互补性 Understand the Variability of Wind Power (2) – Diversification 不同分布的风电场出力不稳定性的叠加 – 分散互补的影响 The combined variability of different wind farms – Diversification impact 不同分布的风电


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