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中山大学新华学院 Xinhua College of Sun Yat-sen University 学士学位论文 金融危机及欧债危机影响下我国中小企业出口面临的挑战与对策—————— 以东莞为例 2012年12月 金融危机及欧债危机影响下,我国中小企业出口面临的挑战与对策 摘要 【中文摘要】 在经济全球化的大背景下,2008年由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融海啸成为了百年难得一遇的经济危机,一场轰动全球的金融危机席卷而来。除此之外,欧债危机也轰涌而上,使全球经济在一席之间进入瘫痪状态,使世界经济面临新的冲击和和诸多不确定因素。欧盟作为我国第一大贸易伙伴和最大出口市场,欧盟经济的不确定性,必定会给我国的经济带来许多负面影响。我国作为“世界工厂”,在我国,其中中小企业占据企业总数比例高达90%以上,是我国经济的主要来源。而金融危机和欧债危机的到来,一下子就使原本就脆弱的中小企业陷入进退两难的境地。其中经济来源的主要渠道——“出口”受到最大影响。本文的研究目的在于通过相关的数据、模型,来分析金融危机与欧债危机对我国中小企业出口的影响,以东莞中小企业为例。 本文采用一般经济学的相关原理,浅析我国东莞中小企业出口贸易的现状、存在的问题、其对我国经济的影响及面对东莞中小企业出口面临的问题所相应的政策。通过研究,可发现,影响东莞中小企业出口的原因分为企业自身因素和客观因素。其中自身因素有:自身融资能力弱、内部管理不完善、产品的竞争力不强;客观因素:政策体制不完善、社会服务体系不健全、人民币升值、国际上新贸易保护主义。要得到改善,应从这两大因素着手逐步改善。 【关键字】: 金融危机、欧债危机、东莞中小企业、出口、问题、对策 With the effect of financial crisis and the debt crisis, small and medium-sized enterprise export company of our country faces challenge and countermeasure Abstract 【Abstract】 Under the background of economic globalization, in 2008 by the American sub-loan crisis of the global financial crisis has become a once-in-a-generation crisis, a sensation in the global financial crisis swept. In addition, the European debt crisis also detonation and Chung, the global economy into a state of paralysis in one seat, make the world economy faces the impact and new many uncertain factors. The European Union as Chinas largest trading partner and the largest export market, the EU economic uncertainty, will bring many negative effects to the economy of our country. China as a world factory, in China, the small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the total number of enterprises accounted for more than 90%, is the main source of the economy of our country. But the financial crisis and the European debt crisis, it would make the originally fragile of small and medium-sized enterprises in be in a nice hobble. One of the main channels -- export economic source of the biggest effect. The purpose of this study is through the related data, the model, to ana


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