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一、同根副词 1. clean; cleanly clean完全地, 彻底地; cleanly干净利落地, 如:I clean forgot about it. Blunt scissors don’t cut cleanly. 2. late; lately late迟的; lately最近, 如:Very late at night, I got a phone call. I have lately received many letters about this. 7. deep; deeply deep ① 表示静止状态的具体深度一般用deep, ② 或者表时间,相当于late; deeply 表示抽象的深度。 如:She stood there, her feet deep in the grass. She were deeply grateful to you for your help. 8. near; nearly near 意思是:接近。表示时间或者空间; nearly几乎,差不多, 如:The holiday is drawing near. He was nearly run over by a car. 9. free; freely free无约束地;直率地;免费地;freely自由地;大方地, 如:The dog ran free on the farm. He admitted the mistake freely. 10. cheap; cheaply 两者都可以表示“便宜地,廉价地”,cheap只用于动词之后,不可用于动词之前,并与sell, buy连用,而cheaply用法较广,则用于动词前面或者后面。 如:He bought it cheap and sold it dear. It was cheaply sold. 11. last; lastly last 意思是:最后,最后一次;lastly意思是:最后一点,最后。常位于句首,表示列举的最后一点。 如:He came last. Lastly, I want to thank the hostess for her consideration. 12. dear; dearly 两者均作“昂贵”解时,dear常与sell, buy, pay, cost等词连用,且只能置于其后;dearly用于比喻意义, 非常地; 以巨大代价地。 如:He paid dear for the computer. Victory was dearly bought. 13. direct; directly direct表示“路程和空间”时,意思是:径直地; directly直接地,直截了当地,马上,立刻;正好, 如:He flew direct to New York. He will come directly. 用适当的词填空: (1) He is________out of food.(clean; cleanly) (2) No word has________come from him. (late; lately) (3) The prisoners were________guarded. (close; closely) (4) We arrived at the station at ten o’clock________. (sharp; sharply) (5) ________she awakened. (slow; slowly) (6) ________come, ________go. (easy; easily) (7) They differ________in opinion. (wide; widely) (8) Tell the children not to shout________. (loudly; loud; aloud) 二、不同形的副词 1. anything but; nothing but anything but 意为“决不是”,nothing but意为“不过是”。 如:That’s anything but true. Don’t worry about my illness; what I need is nothing but a few days’ rest. 2. farther;further farther 一般用来表示距离的“较远、更远”, further 既可以表示距离的“较远、更远”,


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