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8-27段重点词汇 2. Hiroshima -- the Liveliest” City in Japan 8-27段重点词汇 高级英语 第四组成员 stunning : remarkably attractive,excellent极其漂亮的;极其出色的 porcelain-faced 瓷;瓷器 adj. 瓷制的;精美的 a stunning,porcelain-faced woman 面色如玉,风姿绰约的迎宾女郎 at the prospect of 期待着…… in prospect 展望;在期望中;可以预料到 prospect theory 前景理论;预期理论 ... I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the little floating house,treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting and experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks. 榻榻米地席 matting 我走进这座水上小屋里的一个低矮的房间,蹑手蹑脚地踏在柔软的榻榻米地席上,因想到要这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长而感到十分困窘不安。 ?? ? crush n. 粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群vt. 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入vi. 挤;被压碎 crushed by the thought that...意识到 have a crush on 迷恋… ?? ? slay ( v.) : (literary 书面语) kill or destroy in a violent way 杀害,毁掉 ?过去式 slew 过去分词 slain 现在分词 slaying ?? ? linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延残喘 linger on (垂危的人)拖着不死 徘徊;继续逗留;留恋;流连; hover linger?萦绕回旋 Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony. ????出乎意料的是,自己在车站的悲痛感觉又回来了,并且我想到:我站在第一枚原子弹爆炸的地点,成千上万的人瞬间死去,成千上万的人遭受着巨大的痛苦,在死亡边缘徘徊。 近义词辨析: inhibit? refrain? restrain? inhibit?主要指抑制愿望、情绪或念头,也指制止某物的蔓延。 refrain?vi.抑制,禁止,强调抑制一种冲动,后接介词from。 (refrain from doing sth) restrain?v.抑制,约束,指通过管束阻止某事发生,是及物动词,其习惯用法是restrain sb. (sth.) from doing。 murmur英 [m??m?] 美 [m?m?] n. 低语;低语声;低声抱怨;潺潺声vi. 低声说;私下抱怨;发出轻柔持续的声音 agitated ( adj.) :shaken;perturbed;excited 颤抖的;不安的,焦虑的;激动的 第十七段 Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its-oysters. figu


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