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We should make good use of time ____our lesson well. * 单项选择解题指导 单项选择题 还原再现法 语境定义法 标点提示法 克服思维定势法 依据习惯用法 消元简化法 消元简化法: 1.The exciting moment __at last. A. coming B. came C. come D. comes we looked forward to 即去掉句子的修饰或插入成分,找出句子主干,从而简化句子结构。 2. The writer,whom I often refer to at the meetings, _____ famous for those works. A.is B.are C.am D.were ( ) 3. He often stands against the fence and talks endlessly with my father ____ gardening problems. A.to B.too C.about D.off ( ) Strategy Tow 还原再现法:即通过转换句型还原句子本来面目,以便理解句意,从而降低难度。一般有以下7中情况。 如:1.Whom would you rather have ___with you ? A.to go  B. go  C. gone   D. going 分析: 测试的知识点是使役动词have的宾语补足语用动词原形表示将要发生的动作。have sb. do sth. 还原为:you would rather have whom ______ with you. 一、将疑问句改成陈述句 1.Time should be made good use of ___our lessons well. A.learning  B.learned  C.to learn   D.learns C 二、改被动句为主动句 1. It was _____ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home. A.repair B.repairing C.to repair D.in repair 还原为:The old man spent the whole morning ____ the old clock at home. 判断一个句子是不是强调句型的最佳办法 --去掉题干中的It is(was)...that(who),如果句子仍然成立--表达完整的意思,则是强调句型;否则,则不是强调句型。 三、强调句型还原成简单句式 注意比较下面例子: 2. It was 2004 _______ you joined the football club. It was in 2004 _____ you joined the football club. A. who B. that C. when D. which 分析: 第一句运用还原法,去掉It was...(that)即可看出句意不完整(2004前需加in),故此句不是强调句型,而是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。第二句则是强调句。 C B _____what little Tom said to his mother sounded! A. what reasonable B. How a reasonable C. How reasonable D. What a reasonable What little Tom said to his mother sounded____!很容易发现sound之后应接形容词作表语。 四、 感叹句还原为陈述句 That was ___we had in London 3 years ago! A. wonderful time B. a wonderful time C. wonderful


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