《Module 3 At the weekend》教学设计[精选].doc

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  Ⅰ.教材分析   教学目标   1. 知识目标:   1) 能听会说会用单词:Came (come), busy, really, Science Museum, fly, night, sky, forgot (forget), took (take).   2) 能灵活运用以下句型并与人交流:It was raining on Saturday, so we couldnt go shopping. Some friends came so we could play with them. I couldnt take any photos because I forgot my camera.等等.   2. 技能目标:   学生能用could/couldnt 描述过去能与不能做的事情.   3. 情感态度:   让学生学会积极与他人交流,获取相关信息。   4. 学习策略:   1)让学生积极参与小组学习。   2)积极运用本课所学英语进行表达和交流;   5、文化意识: 让学生了解国外科学博物馆的常识.   教学重点 1,能根据图或卡片听说单词:Came (come), busy, really, Science Museum, fly, night, sky, forgot (forget), took (take).   2,能运用句型进行简单交流:It was raining on Saturday, so we couldnt go shopping. Some friends came so we could play with them. I couldnt take any photos because I forgot my camera.等等.   教学难点 Science Museum的发音,学生能用could/couldnt 描述过去能与不能做的事情.   任务设计 参加侦探游戏,分析可能的原因.   教具 录音机、单词卡片,句子纸条和挂图   计Module 3 At the weekend   Unit 1 We couldnt go shopping.   单词 句子   CouldReason   Play with the friends.   Do the shopping on the computer.   Go to the Science Museum.   Play on the computers.   Fly planes.   See the night sky.Some friends came to the house.   CouldntReason   Play in the park.   Go shopping.   Take some photos.It was raining on Saturday.   Mum was busy.   Amy forgot her camera.   教学过程:   一: Warmg-up   Listen and say the rap: Im a little black bat.   Read the shopping list they had written for their mother and say the reasons.   Review the words from Monday to Sunday, ask and answer in groups: What do you usually do at the weekend?   I usually… More: Edit:key071wk   二: Task-setting and the text lead in:   T: Teacher says the following sentences with a photo of her own: When I was a baby I could cry. I could smile. But I couldnt walk. I couldnt run. I was very happy then. Now I can walk. I can run, and I can talk because Ive grown up.教师借助表情,动作让学生理解could和couldnt   .让学生想一想



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