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目 录 摘要 2 关键词 2 0 前 言 2 1 中小企业融资的相关理论概述 3 1.1 中小企业融资的相关概念 3 1.2 中小企业融资方式 5 1.3 企业融资的实质与过程 6 2 中小企业融资的国际比较与借鉴 7 2.1 国外中小企业资金来源 7 2.2 各国政府对中小企业的宏观管理及金融扶助政策 8 2.3 借鉴国外经验促进我国中小企业融资的墓本思路 10 3 我国中小企业融资问题及对策 10 3.1 我国中小企业融资现状及问题 10 3.2 改善我国中小企业融资的对策 11 4 结束语 12 致谢 12 注释 13 参考文献 13 我国中小企业融资的问题及对策研究 摘要:融资困境被公认为困扰中小企业发展的最主要因素之一,也成为困扰世界各国经济理论界、实业界和政府相关部门的世界性难题。中小企业在我国经济发展中的作用和重要地位己被国内许多学者认可和政府的重视,已经成为推动我国经济持续增长、创造就业机会的重要力量。从根本上解决中小企业融资难问题,不仅是从根本上解决中小企业自身发展的问题,而且也成为国民经济持续健康发展的重大课题。本文通过对当前我国中小企业融资难这一问题的成因进行剖析,提出了一些想法和对策,希望能够为更好地解决中小企业融资难提供一些有益的帮助。 Abstract: The difficult situation of financing has been universallly recognized as the most important one of the factors that restrains the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and has already become a world-wide challenge that perplexes economic theory community, business community and the relevant government departments in the world. The role and importance of SMEs in the economy development have already been reco加zed and approved by many mainland scholars, and have been one of the governments particular attention in China. SMEs have already become an important force in promoting the sustainable economic growth and creating employment opportunities. A fundamental sol讲ion of financing difficulty of SMEs is not only hampering their own development, but also a major subject about the sustainable and healthy development of national economy. This article analyzes the causes of the current financing of SMEs, Put forward some ideas and countermeasures, so as to help relieve the difficult financing situation and provide some useful help. 关键词:中小企业; 融资; 对策研究 Key Words: small and medium-sized enterprises;the financing situation;the countermeasure research 3000~15000以下 400以下 3000以下 资料来源:《中国中小企业蓝皮书—现状与政策》(2007一2008) 1.1.2 融资 融资[2]的概念具有广义和狭义的划分:1)狭义的融资。我国中小企业融资顺序及影响因素研究—基于优序融资理论的思考狭义的融资是指企业为实现一定的经营或财务目标,通过科学的分析、合理的预测,向公司投资者和债权人募集资金的行为。从狭义上讲,融资即是一个企业的资金筹集的行为与过程。也就是公司根据自身的生产经营状况、资金拥有的状况,以及公司未来经营发展的需要,通过科学的预测和决


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