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目 录 摘 要: I Abstract: II 1 公益旅游概述 1 1.1 公益旅游的提出 1 1.1.2 公益旅游的概念 1 1.2 公益旅游的发展 1 1.3 发展公益旅游的意义和作用 4 2 影响我国公益旅游发展的因素 6 2.1 促进我国公益旅游发展的因素 6 2.2 制约我国公益旅游发展的因素 8 3 发展我国公益旅游的策略与措施 9 3.1 旅行社对旅游线路和旅游产品进行专门的设计和开发 10 3.2 加强对公益旅游目的地基础设施的建设 10 3.3 采取相应的措施,保障游客安全 11 3.4 进行公益旅游的宣传,树立公益旅游形象 11 3.5 政府可提供相应的资金补助促进公益旅游的发展 11 3.6 联合公益旅游目的地政府和景区共同发展公益旅游 12 参考文献 13 致 谢 14 我国公益旅游发展的影响因素及发展前景 【摘 要】:公益旅游发源于20世纪90年代的美国,在美国和欧洲已有长足发展并取得一定成绩,在我国虽然还属于起步阶段,但近年来发展迅速,广受媒体关注,参与群体也越来越广泛。有力地促进了社会公平,加强了人与人之间的交流、互助,张扬了人的善良本性,把爱心播撒到了千家万户,可谓功在当代、利在千秋。本文旨在阐述公益旅游在国内外的发展现状、分析我国公益旅游发展的影响因素以及展望其发展前景公益旅游egarding the thinking of Chinas voluntourism development 【Abstract】: Voluntourism originated in the 1990s, the United States. The United States and Europe had made remarkable progress and has achieved considerable success .In our country it is in the initial stage .But it developed rapidly in recent years, and was well received by the media attention .Aslo, more and more groups involved it in a wide range . Voluntourism turning up may make the government or the education organization to pay attention to disaster area and poor area’s economy and difficult education position, and also may urge people of society to care for hard life and study of people low . The charities going deeply will be able to have certain spurring to the area that is impoverished by economic ultimately and will improve its education pattern. It has promoted the social equity forcefully ,reinforced exchange and cooperation between person and person and made person know the loving heart is sown in huge numbers of families .It can be termed meritorious service on the present age and interest rate on thousand years. This is a piece of the thing driving society sustainable development having to educate significances highly beyond doubt.So,this article aims to expound the voluntourism’development at home and abroad at present and significance and analysis of factors on the development of tourism as well as affect the prospects


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