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我国服装企业国际化经营策略研究 我国服装企业国际化经营策略研究(包含开题报告,毕业论文17000字) 摘 要:中国服装业发展到21世纪,不仅规模已经达到世界前列,而且制造业水平跃居国际主流市场的首要位置,已经成为世界最大的服装生产国之一,服装消费国和服装出口国,尤其是服装加工水平已 ... p我国服装企业国际化经营策略研究(包含开题报告,毕业论文字)br / 摘nbsp; 要:中国服装业发展到21世纪,不仅规模已经达到世界前列,而且制造业水平跃居国际主流市场的首要位置,已经成为世界最大的服装生产国之一,服装消费国和服装出口国,尤其是服装加工水平已经达到相当层次。服装业为进入服装强国道路上,为实现服装强国的目标,仅坐稳国内市场和出口还不够,还要在国际市场上有所作为。本文阐述了通过分析我国服装企业在国际化浪潮中面临着严峻的挑战,从我国服装业市场现状出发,结合案例分析我国服装企业成功国际化的因素,提出了我国服装企业国际化的产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和渠道策略。br / 关键词:服装企业; 国际化;策略br / br / Research on Internationalization Strategy of Chinas retail Businessbr / Abstract: Chinarsquo;s Clothing Industry in the 21st century, not only has reached the scale of the world, and the level of manufacturing industry ranked the first position of the international mainstream market, has become the worlds largest producers of apparel, clothing consumer and clothing exporting countries, especially the garment processing level has reached a certain level. Power to enter the apparel garment industry on the road for the realization of the objectives clothing power, firmly installed in the domestic market and export only, but had to make a difference in the international market. This paper describes the analysis of garment enterprises in the international face of the wave of serious challenges, from the current situation of Chinas garment market, combined with case studies of successful international clothing enterprises, proposes an international garment enterprises of Chinas product strategy, pricing strategy, promotional strategy and channel strategy. br / Key words: retail enterprises; internationalization; strategy /p pbr / 目nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 录br / 摘nbsp; 要nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1br / 关键词nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / 一、绪论nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / (一)选题目的与意义nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / (二)国内外研究动态nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / 1.服装企业国际化的内涵nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / 2.我国服装企业的发展历史nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / 3.我国服装企业国际化的现状和特点nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2br / 4.我国服装企业国际化的经营策略nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3br / (三)本文的研究思路和方法nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5br / 二、我国服装企业国际化现状nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5b


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